ITT we post funny pictures...

OH MY GOD. These guys are the definition of retarded....

"A college professor took two days out of her fucking life to specifically attack us," says Violent J. "Oh yeah, she had it all figured out."

One of the ICP road crew locates the video on his iPhone, and it is indeed withering: "The [Miracles] video is not only dumb, but enthusiastically dumb, endorsing a ferocious breed of ignorance that can only be described as militant. The entire song is practically a tribute to not knowing things."

"Fuck you, man," says Violent J. "Shut the fuck up."

"Did you anticipate this kind of reaction?" I ask them.

"No," sighs Violent J. "I figured most people would say, 'Wow, I didn't know Insane Clown Posse could be deep like that.' But instead it's, 'ICP said a giraffe is a miracle. Ha ha ha! What a bunch of idiots.'" He pauses, then adds defiantly, "A giraffe is a fucking miracle. It has a dinosaur-like neck. It's yellow. Yeah, technically an elephant is not a miracle. Technically. They've been here for hundreds of years…"

"Thousands," murmurs Shaggy.

I could quote incredibly stupid comments from that article all day

Edit: That video is way too good
There were these miners in Chile, who were trapped in the lower part of a mine for 69 days, as various rescue methods were attempted.
After clearing the original collapse failed, and two failed drilling attempts, AMERICANS bored a successful passage to the miners, who were then hoisted one by one through the vertical tunnel in a capsule to the surface.
There were these miners in Chile, who were trapped in the lower part of a mine for 69 days, as various rescue methods were attempted.
After clearing the original collapse failed, and two failed drilling attempts, AMERICANS bored a successful passage to the miners, who were then hoisted one by one through the vertical tunnel in a capsule to the surface.

yeah just saying "the miners" would have been enough, thank you. I am aware of that, I just didn´t make the connection.