ITT we post funny pictures...

Honestly ....

I thought it was hella funny, and am I the only one that thinks Jessica Alba is starting to look like shit.

Hey! Don't be talking about my woman like that! (I wish :erk:) She is preggo again. Sucks, hope she bounces back like last time. Come to think of it, she looked great for a preggo.


Dude ... no comparison here. This is what 5 years has done to the woman. Pretty fucking bad dude...

Hahahahaha, oh man, are you serious? :lol:
As already mentioned, just imagine the difference in budget between those magazines.
Then look at the differences in hair & makeup, and then take Cosmo's retouching in consideration.. do you believe she actually looked like that at all irl? ;)
May be starting a shitstorm, but I've never found Alba to be anything special. She's definitely hot, and has a killer body, but I just don't find her face anything special.. seems (or seemed) to be everyone's dream girl - imo there are WAY hotter/prettier girls in Hollywood.
Morgan, now I demand you to list all hot/pretty girls in Hollywood.

Not sure if you're getting at me choice of words (girls instead of women) or the fact that Hollywood's female population is 90% hot ;p but you know what I mean. I've just never seen this 'goddess' that she is supposed to be, just a decent face and a nice ass/stomach.