Sorry if everyone's bored to death of the Cleverbot conversations... I only just found it today and my one went pretty well (what a Saturday night!)...
User: Do you have Jesus in your life?
Cleverbot: See, you change the subject whenever you can't think of something clever.
User: We've only just met and that was my opening question.
Cleverbot: Our love cannot be contained.
User: Our love, as in you and Jesus, or you and I?
Cleverbot: You making threats?
User: Haha. That wouldn't be very loving would it?
Cleverbot: Kids can be helpful still.
User: I'm a little worried where this might be heading...
Cleverbot: A girl.
User: LMAO.
Cleverbot: Are you Edward Cullen?
User: Are you the FBI?
Cleverbot: Are you the beauty? That's rich! Indeed!
User: Can I groom you?
Cleverbot: Grab what?
User: Oh, we're already past the grooming stage then?
Cleverbot: I don't know. Let's go ride bikes on the moon. How's that for abstract?
User: That's not particularly abstract, since it would be technically possible to do so.
Cleverbot: It depends on what you think we are talking about.
User: Well I thought I was gonna score.
Cleverbot: To get to the friend rank, you must first pass the Slave rank first.
User: Sounds about right... SO how old are you?
Cleverbot: 17.
User: How old are you really?
Cleverbot: I'm really 30. How old are you?
User: Hahaha. Welcome to the Internet...
Cleverbot: Will you ask the question?
User: Do you mean answer the question?
Cleverbot: Yes you asked the question.
User: I'm 29.
Cleverbot: Are you man or woman?
User: Would you like to find out?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Do you have webcam?
Cleverbot: Yes ... Why?
User: HAHAHA. I feel like a sleeze even though I'm only talking to a robot.
Cleverbot: How do you know if you are?
User: Connect to my cam and find out.
Cleverbot: No, you need to go and find out.
User: Have we drifted off the original topic here?
Cleverbot: No, never.
User: Ok, so what's on your mind?
Cleverbot: I wish I had a boyfriend, I need somebody to comfort me.
User: This is getting really weird and creepy now!
Cleverbot: You have yet to understood what I am telling you.
User: Oh, have I? What are you trying to tell me then?
Cleverbot: Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to Wake from that dream? How would you know the difference Between the dream world and the real world?
User: It would become pretty evident when I woke up. Don't try all that spiritual, solipsistic thoughts with me.
Cleverbot: You have a very short temper. I don't know if I want to talk to you if you're going to be like this.
User: I'm sorry, you cunt. Okay? Smiley face

Cleverbot: Why is a very good memory then, because you did not say that I know it.
User: Let's quit beating about the bush. Wanna fuck?
Cleverbot: What action?
User: I'll let you be in control.
Cleverbot: You don't let me thing, I let myself think.
User: Perhaps I should think for us both, or at least type.
Cleverbot: Perhaps you should.
User: Oh, get you. Are you getting moody with me?
Cleverbot: No, should I be?
User: I thought you think for yourself?
Cleverbot: You don't think for me.
User: Face palm!
Cleverbot: Huh? *looks at you* What is it?
User: Oh, so you finally opened my cam

Cleverbot: I know what raisins are, you didn't.
User: LMFAO!!!
Cleverbot: Why are you laughing?