ITT we post funny pictures...

I hope you ment to write "numb"?

edit: but I don't think so since I just recognized that deaf and numb is the same...3AM brainfart.

Not sure if I find that sim funny or not tho

edit #2: no it isn't since there's 2 german "taub"s...I should go to bed lol
major lol @ the shovel prank

Tired Austrian is tired :p

"dumb" in that context is used to signify that she couldn't speak ... Not necessarily a true mute, which by all accounts she wasn't, just that she had severely under-developed speech
I want to try this too. lol. But I'm curious, the noodles exposed to the water will be cooked and soft, but what about the 1" part of noodle that is inside the hotdog? Won't that little part still be uncooked or crunchy? :lol:

I doubt hotdogs insulate all that well. Curious to try this as well.
Tired Austrian is tired :p

"dumb" in that context is used to signify that she couldn't speak ... Not necessarily a true mute, which by all accounts she wasn't, just that she had severely under-developed speech

yeah, don't type and sleep at the same time :lol:
I totally missed the helen keller stuff on soutpark, I don't watch it anymore.

HAHA @ the skyrim dragon...
my GF was like that when she studied Linguistics...she can still get REALLY nerdy with that kind of stuff, but it's not as bad anymore as it used to be lol