I've done it once and I'll do it again!


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
Yet again, I'm kind of in a dilemma.

As some of you remember my psychotic ex-fiance and the thread I made before her and I got together. Well, here is something similiar but not:

There are two parts to this.

The first part is annoying. There is this chick who I met at a friend's Afterhours Party. She was pretty cool and flipped out when she heard that I was a guitarist (she has a thing for that I suppose). Well, her fiance' was there too but she asked for my number. Two days later she called me and we went to Guitar Center.

We hung out quite a bit over the next few days. She later told me that she wished I had kissed her......rewind! I had a fiance' who left me for someone else. I wasn't going to do that shit. But, supposedly, she was in the process of leaving her fiance'. Well, she made the move and blah blah. Then, I could tell, she wanted to have sex. I didn't feel right because of the situation and because of the fact that I couldn't see myself with someone like her. I avoided it every time. Then one night she dragged me out to the bar with her cousin and friend. She got me so drunk, I gave in.

Now, I can't see myself with someone like her. She likes to party too much, she has two kids and she's a little bigger than someone I'd be with. Petite/nice bodies are a must for me. That's just my preference. I'm having a hard time telling her how I feel though I have already told her friend. I haven't really been talking to her. I do feel kind of bad but at the same time I shouldn't because she provoked me, I tried avoiding it.

The second issue:

There is this chick at my work. She's more of the dark/gothic type chick (but I've always had a thing for chicks like that). She has a perfect body and to me, as far as I have seen, she is fucking beautiful. But there seems to be a problem, or a couple rather:

I'm not good at talking to girls to start a conversation. I'll go out for a smoke and I'll comment to her like "Having fun yet?" or "You look bored". She doesn't talk to anyone and I can sense that she has a hard time talking to people. She is extremely shy and is anti-social. I know because I used to be the same way. I really want to talk to her and get to know her but it's hard for me to plus, I don't want to scare her away. I feel really bad for her and would really like to get to know her but I sort of have a fear of rejection. I don't know what the fuck to do. When I'm at work and pass by her, I just get this depressing feeling. I really want to start a conversation with her but I don't know of what and I don't know if she will be able to converse with me without her feeling uncomfortable. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable.

I'm able to sense someone's emotions by how they act. I feel that I am able to analyze a person's personality by their movements, their speech and the way they act to certain situations. Based off of what I have witnessed from her just from my little comments, I sense that her reaction would be nervous. She may not be able to speak properly and feel uncomfortable.

I don't know what to do!

NP: Andromeda - Extension of the Wish
Talk to her anyway, life's too short. I'm sure you will have common interests if she is all goth-like....most likely is into AYDY :S As for the other girl, forget her. You don't like her anyway. She is fat. No one likes a fat girl. Just talk to that girl at work, not much bad can happen.
I say whatever you do don't stay with the first party girl. girl.

I also say that if you take advice from someone on a message board about something as serious as that you're fucking stupid so whatever... good luck.
Sinister Mephisto said:
I also say that if you take advice from someone on a message board about something as serious as that you're fucking stupid so whatever... good luck.

I'm not using what it said to be a final decision on what I should do.....

I don't depend on your guys' opinions to make a decision because I know what I should and have to do, I'm just wanting opinions and hopefully a personal experience which would make the situation easier and/or more comfortable.

NP: Death - Secret Face
if you work with this person, don't get in a relationship with someone at work, it is probbably the stupidist thing anyone could do. If you ever have a bad moment, you either have to quit your job, or she could tell the boss your harrasing her and get you fired etc. And even if you do end up dating, a break up would result in a very bad job situation.

Think of it this way, would you want to spend all your time with your significant other, becuase if you see each other all the time at work and then later, you really don't have a chance to have much of anything else, depending of the girl/guy, but there are a lot who are like that for sure
Silver Incubus: That's a very valid point man, but maybe the job isnt a longterm thing? If so Id go for it anyway :p

Id try to talk to her after work, that way if it doesnt go down well, none of your coworkers is around to see it. It seems easier, too, I guess she'll be more relaxed. You could invite her for a beer or something :p
Or maybe you should just tell her how you feel. She may panic and push you away, in which you wouldnt have had a chance anyway, or maybe she'll open up as well when she sees you do.. you know, repay trust with trust?

The problem I have with goths is that they can be very difficult and messed up people, so.. but then again many "normal" women are just as crazy :Smug:

Anyway, I hope I could help :)
Sinister Mephisto said:
I also say that if you take advice from someone on a message board about something as serious as that you're fucking stupid

that's because none of us is your friend :tickled:

seph: fat chick with children = nono.
MAJOR nono.

cause pre-cooked children = nono :lol:
Can you imagine you having to go to their room at night when they say "daddy!!! There's a ghost in my bedroom!", and when you get there there REALLY IS a ghost? :p

so there you go, now you'll have a smaller decision: going for the chick at work or not.
Well, that's a pretty good thing to have, paying attention to small details in reactions, it can help you a lot, if you trust your sense, i say REALLY trust it, especially if it's a gut feeling.

Actually, both silver incubus and taliesin have good points there: american people are crazy so anything is harrassment, and goth chicks are usually wee wee in their heads :p

But hey, if you like her, you should try speaking to her. Just don't let it all out at once, it has a pretty smaller chance to work. Try to get a good situation, figure out some random band she likes (without stalking her workspace, for gods sake! :lol: ) to talk about, etc etc

So, short version
- No no fat chick-o with children-o
- Go for the goth chick
- Talk, don't stalk
- don't let it all out at once
- fuck a goat
- MAYBE whipe out your schlong in public, set a fire on your feet and dance like this guy: :hotjump:

good luck soldier :D
haha nice story, i feel for you dude

Like the first guy said, lifes to short man realy. Dont go with the chick with kids she is bad trouble

The goth chick, goth chicks tend to be fucked up and realy backstabbing when something goes rong... anyway
Be honest lol its easy, walk over tell her say hey im (name) iv noticed you and I like your style and that you think whe should talk, then interupt yourself and ask shit do you have a boyfriend thats gona break my neck? ask her if she would like to spend lunch some time with tjoo and then get to know her to see if she is the one :p you can try some other icebreaker joke instead of the BF one whatever is your style. If she sais no then just tell her well the option is open, seeya around, oh and get her name and say nice to meet tjoo. haha dont get much easier that that.
Well if you really want to talk with her compliments are always icebreakers. And Women eat up compliments like chocolates. It says "Hey I pay attention to what you look like and I like it" without being ultra creepy. Just don't say "Wow, thats some nice black lipstick, I've been looking for someone to put a black ring around my cock "
Silver Incubus said:
Well if you really want to talk with her compliments are always icebreakers. And Women eat up compliments like chocolates. It says "Hey I pay attention to what you look like and I like it" without being ultra creepy. Just don't say "Wow, thats some nice black lipstick, I've been looking for someone to put a black ring around my cock "
LOL :lol: I'm gonna try that tomorrow.

My classic...
Walked into a kebab shop in england at 3am, drunk as shit and said loudly.
"so...anyone fucked a Scotsman?"

I was really drunk and only got told the next morning i did that :p