The "I think _Zsusa_ is attractive*" thread


Blinded By The Light...
Jul 15, 2001
*in all senses of the word.

No sarcasm. No dissimulating. No room for missinterpretation.

I think that Zsu is both a physically attractive person, but she also has an exceptionally nice personality from what I know of her, and also shares a similar interest with me with her love (lets not say obsession shall we ;) ) of PC and Video Games. This quality is so rare in a woman that it alone makes her more alluring. In fact it is so rare that I doubte her word at first that it was an interest of hers. It's always good to find people with common interests though.

All though Zsu seems to dissagree with me on at least one of the above points I made, I don't see how we can't use this thread to heap praise on her (don't be shy now you lot) so she knows just how much we really appreciate her. And we do right, don't we fella's?

@Spike: Omg noooooooooooooooooooo!!! :oops:

*btw yu mispelled my name in the topic name :lol: *

EDIT: just noticed that someone was faster to point that out ;)

But all in all; thanks for the compliments even tho I think, with all due respect, that this thread wasn't necessary to tell me :D :oops:

Let's just move along ppl ;) But if you _REALLY_ wanna show your care then yu can send me the Alien vs Predator movie kthx :lol:
Spike said:
I think that Zsu is both a physically attractive person, but she also has an exceptionally nice personality from what I know of herSpike

:lol: Sorry, couldn't help it :D
Alwin said:
btw, any pic of Zsuzsa anywhere?
OMG now that's funny! :lol:

Oh, and Zsu, yeah, I know. That's what I get for being in such a hurry and doing too many things at once. It's most likely what lead to this whole hissy fit of yours in the first place. ;)

Oh, and you still haven't shown me how to add text to pics yet. :cry:
@Spike: :lol: Omg that OWNED pic is hilarious!

And how to add text to the pic? Very easily; open up Paint, open the pic you want to put text on and select the A letter on the left, it will give you the option to choose different fonts, size and color (the latter is down there). Good luck ;)

@Alwin: yup, c'est moi.
*Jennifer Lopez voice*

What? Let's just GET into that you slaves of my beauty!
Mirror mirror tell me now, who is the most attractive woman on the earth? AND CONSIDER YOUR ANSWER CAREFULLY *holds up a hammer*

*back to reality*

Wha..? :guh: J-Lo GO AWAY yu bitch!!!
@Zsuzsa: proper dominatrix style!
I shal be a slave at your feet...