Its not about having crediblity, its about defusing useless flame wars. Call me the ambassador of metal love. Besides, I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out the fact that someone can be just a big as fan as you with extreme music and also enjoy other aspects, is there? I know this place is known for being pretty closeminded and gives in to mob mentality as much as hive-mind places like Blabbermouth, but I also know there are fans of true metal that also see the worth in a band like Slipknot. And I also fucking loved earlier Gorguts.
Just because some people, my friend, get obsessed with things like image and hype and let it affect their view of music, doesn't mean it happens to the rest of us.
Really loving this record by the way, have given it a couple more spins tonight and am really impressed with what Rick Rubin got out of them. They definitley tool with things Slipknot have never touched, like acoustic guitars, but I think over the course of 14 tracks, it really fits in well. Its also more extreme in spots than Slipknot have ever been. Check out the track "Three Nil", they use a grindcore blastbeat that could have come straight off a Napalm or Carcass album.
Also I really agree with whoever said something about the stripped down thrash production helping them a lot. I think this is one of the single most important improvements they made. I like the 'clickier' sound on the bass drum this record, just adds a bit more diversity to their sound. I also am accepting Corey's vocals without a problem now, as I had a problem with them when I first heard the early released songs.
And this record doesn't sound like Stone Sour in the least bit by the way, but will inevitably be compared to that band, simply because its slower in parts and people love to throw labels around (i'm not innocent there).