Porno kitty
I got 2 words for ya: coon pudding!
Which later become coon tortillas and fill my attic!I got 2 words for ya: coon pudding!
That video melted my heart into a thick syrupy goo. Awwwwwww!
Is it just me, or is this raccoon this guy's pet?
Raccoons definitely belong *out*side. As do squirrels, rats, snakes, birds, what-have-you. Cats and dogs are about it for me for inside animals. I guess I'm just an old-fashioned gal.![]()
Is it just me, or is this raccoon this guy's pet?
Raccoons definitely belong *out*side. As do squirrels, rats, snakes, birds, what-have-you. Cats and dogs are about it for me for inside animals. I guess I'm just an old-fashioned gal.![]()
Thanks to Mike C. for this photo. Yep that's right, GTFOD!!!!!!!! Dub wants HATS!!!!!!!!!!!
(I think that's a good name for a's no Teabag Parfait, however..)
J-Dub, your house is now the new SLAG SHACK. Now we just need to get Chris to go to sleep in there! hahaha
(I think that's a good name for a's no Teabag Parfait, however..)
J-Dub, your house is now the new SLAG SHACK. Now we just need to get Chris to go to sleep in there! hahaha
As with the rafting, the christening of the slag shack was a TEAM effort! :Smokedev:
and here is the latest:
American Family Insurance is screwing me! If any of you are insured with this company, I HIGHLY suggest you check your policy for any loopholes like this.
I will not rest until I have exhausted all regulatory, advocacy, and legal means to get this settled. Hell, I may even be a one man protest with a sign on a stick EVERY day in front of this agents office... I''m pissed beyond words right now.
Here's what the adjuster told me:
Raccoon excrement is a pollutant, and according to MY policy, they will remove the pollutatnt, but not repair any damage it caused, that's on *me*. I'm out $2200 out of pocket, and that does NOT apply to or include my deductible. So now, the score stands at me paying for $3200 of the $5200. I'm not going to go quietly or easily on this. They have declared war on me, and I will start with regulatory groups, advocates from local broadcast news, newspapers, the whole ball of wax.
I'm done being pushed around....![]()
American Family Insurance is screwing me! If any of you are insured with this company, I HIGHLY suggest you check your policy for any loopholes like this.
6. Other Causes of Loss:
1. Losses excluded under EXCLUSIONS SECTION I. c. smog, rust, corrosion, frost, condensation, mold, wet or dry
2. Collapse, other than as provided in Supplementary Coverages rot;
Section I, under Collapse. d. smoke from agricultural smudging or industrial operations;
e. settling, cracking, shrinking, bulging, or expansion of pave
3. Continuous or Repeated Seepage or leakage of water or ments, patios, foundations, walls, floors, roofs or ceilings;
steam from within a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or
f. birds, vermin, rodents, insects or domestic animals.
This is not a loophole, and they're not screwing you. My homeowners is with American Family also.
I work as a commercial insurance agent, and lesson #1 in any claim is to check the exclusions and check the definitions.
Property exclusions, Page 5 of 16:
Damage caused by vermin or rodents is excluded by the American Family policy. You're lucky they're giving you coverage under the pollutant definition.
I don't feel like copying any more text from my policy, but the policy covers only the REMOVAL of the pollutant itself.
For the record, I have had several auto claims with American Family and have been treated wonderfully, with incredible service. This is an unfortunate situation, and they could completely deny the claim if they wanted, since damage caused by animals is excluded.
Instead, your adjustor is finding some coverage in the policy that will help a little.
It's a fair assessment based on the policy language, even though it's never fun to be told that your claim won't be paid in full. I would have the same reaction as you, but in AmFam's defense, they're not trying to screw you over.
I'm not buying into this 100%. No offense to you intended. I do appreciate your post. Are raccoons considered vermin? the definition of vermin is:
Very true - the policy language does allow for some interpretation as to how a raccoon is classified. My initial thought is that they would lump it in with the animal exclusion, but you could definitely try to make a point and see what happens.
My post was just to note that I doubt there is intent to screw you out of the claim. It's just left up to how the adjustor applies the policy wording, which unfortunately isn't 100% in your favor.
I'd hate to be in the same situation and not have them pay my claim in full. I just bought a house in August, and I hope to not have to deal with homeowners claims for a long time!
Very true - the policy language does allow for some interpretation as to how a raccoon is classified. My initial thought is that they would lump it in with the animal exclusion, but you could definitely try to make a point and see what happens.
My post was just to note that I doubt there is intent to screw you out of the claim. It's just left up to how the adjustor applies the policy wording, which unfortunately isn't 100% in your favor.
I'd hate to be in the same situation and not have them pay my claim in full. I just bought a house in August, and I hope to not have to deal with homeowners claims for a long time!
Jen -Regardless, I am so very sorry that you're having to go through this, J-Dub. I can't imagine how stressful it must be to
1. Live in a contaminated home
2. File an insurance claim only to have it denied
3. Deal with contractors, insurance agents, etc.
4. Loss of time
5. Eventually having to relocate whenever it gets cleaned up
6. And having to fork out thousands of dollars right before Christmas
Personally, I think the way your insurance company is reacting is absolutely ridiculous and a crying shame. I mean, come on... who actually thinks about a raccoon infestation when purchasing a home owner's insurance policy?! This is exactly the type of situation that insurance is for, in my opinion!!
No, it's a legit claim and they are purposely denying it because it saves them money. That is the very definition of screwing one over.