J50BC + JE-1000 Problem


Kissing In The Shadows
Sep 26, 2010
I Read on a thread on here from 2004 that the JE-1000 wont work with anything active.

but the j50bc is an active pickup? so how does that work then.

and i have found a guy on ebay who sells JE-1000's
click here for the ebay page.

anyone ever bought from him? is this legit? :P
it also says its adjustable so what setting did alexi use, the gear thread doesnt say anything about that.

ATM i have an SD sh-4 JB passive pickup.
would it be a good idea to put a JE-1000 In there?
Bought one of his JE-1000, arrived within 3 days, works perfectly.

Comes with a nice instruction - if you want, I can link you some photos.
its nice, the only thing i dont know from guitar is how to wire a pickup.

coz id like to know howto install a J50bc with JE-1000
with a push-pull knob to set gainboost on or off.

wiring the gainboost and pickup is kinda tricky for me already, even with schematic. so adding a push-pull....makes it really hard for me.

but i want to understand and learn how to do it but wouldnt know where..

if i go youtube it gives like tutorials for like INSANE wiring guitars with maybe 7 tone pots etc xD
its nice, the only thing i dont know from guitar is how to wire a pickup.

coz id like to know howto install a J50bc with JE-1000
with a push-pull knob to set gainboost on or off.

wiring the gainboost and pickup is kinda tricky for me already, even with schematic. so adding a push-pull....makes it really hard for me.

but i want to understand and learn how to do it but wouldnt know where..

if i go youtube it gives like tutorials for like INSANE wiring guitars with maybe 7 tone pots etc xD

You can adjust everything the way you want to, so the diagram itself shouldn't be so tricky. Another important thing is to know which colours are what for...I thought that every producer use the same colour...Never make that mistake again! ( http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=color_codes )

And, I guess, you could send him a message through Ebay and ask, if he could use a push/pull-knob instead of the regular one. The other option would be to drill a hole for a little switch.

Manual 1

Manual 2
( http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=color_codes )

And, I guess, you could send him a message through Ebay and ask, if he could use a push/pull-knob instead of the regular one. The other option would be to drill a hole for a little switch.

Manual 1

Manual 2

well the diagram is OFC very clear on how to wire it as a dummy but i want to understand it so I might be able to install a pushpull button myself :)

and is the gainboost from the JE-1000 adjustable? coz the wiring scheme does not say anything about it :)

I'm new here. I bought a je-1000 from him month ago, bit don't find the time to install it. Now I tried, but it doesn't work, just some random noise. I compared it to pictures of other je-1000 in the internet, but I don't find differents. I checked the wiring 20 times. It would be nice if someone has an idea what to do. Thanks for reading.

\m/ Stephan
The preamp has a trim pot for the gain; its labeled in the schematic as "gain pot".

so what does that mean?
I mean, if i bought that imo it would just be connect wires from Pick up to module with green where it belongs and black on the knob and then connect the module to the pug as shown with white orange and black.

is there something else that should be done bocuz i dont understand what u mean with "the preamp has a trim pot for the gain"
You asked if the gain was adjustable. The trim pot adjusts the gain, it's the little white circle n a blue casing on the circuit board, you use a screwdriver to turn it and raise or lower the gain.