James Labrie

So where does this leave CRIMSON GLORY? In the Late 80's they were looked upon as what QR should be. Their first cd and "Transcendence" are still to this day staples in ANY true prog or plain old metal fans collection.....Yes..Watchtower are next I see it coming! :-)
To my mind 'Rage for Order' is much more progmetal than 'Operation:Mindcrime'.

(I know, I know, but quite frankly, I don't care about peoples misinformed definitions of various genres and subgenres. ;) )

So where does this leave CRIMSON GLORY? In the Late 80's they were looked upon as what QR should be.
We're going to ave to agree to completely disagree on this one. I grew up during this time period, and this is the first time I'm hearing that sentiment expressed. The first time I heard Crimson Glory was when the local radio station played "Lonely in Love". My first thought was... wow, someone is really ripping off Queensryche. And that was pretty much the consensus amongst all the folks I knew who were into Metal.

Transcendence came out in 1988, two years after Rage and the same year as Mindcrime. Anyone who listened to Rage for Order and Mindcrime, then heard Transcendence and thought THAT was what Queensryche should be doing was smoking better weed than I was. :loco:

I don't ever recall making that statement. However, if I did, my opinion on it has changed drastically. I use it all the time for school, as it's widely accepted in the academic world. A recent study showed it to be as reliable as the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

The incident was when I used Wiki & Allmusic in a discussion on what genre Opeth was in. Of which, both sites listed them as Death Metal. You stated Wiki was a poor resource. But, I see now that you're a "whichever way the wind blows" type. Ok got it. ;)

If people use sales as some sort of measure of talent or quality, then I agree, sales are a worthless measuring stick. However, to say a band has dominated a genre, when the numbers and my own personal opinion paint a contrary opinion, clearly makes you wrong.

Again...you're using sales as a measuring device. I believe QR have been around some years longer than DT. They were selling hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of albums before DT cut their first. And, they were in the hayday of the metal scene...DT's success came after grunge/alterntive took over. Not a good measuring device. I would say talent puts them above QR...that & of course my opinion...of which both make you wrong. :heh:

So if we're talking current day, by what standard does DT dominate? Record sales? :loco:


General Zod said:
Dream Theater has definitely been the superior band for the last 15 years.


:loco: Mouth...foot...

If I was referring to "Night On Brocken," I would understand your post. However, Fates Warning took the Iron Maiden-esque formula they had on their debut and kicked things up a few notches with "The Spectre Within." The arrangements on the song "Traveler In Time" alone are more complicated than anything Maiden have ever written. Add "Pirates Of The Underground," "The Apparition," and "Epitaph" to the equation, and you have the makings of the first progressive metal album.

Stay metal. Never rust.
The incident was when I used Wiki & Allmusic in a discussion on what genre Opeth was in. Of which, both sites listed them as Death Metal. You stated Wiki was a poor resource. But, I see now that you're a "whichever way the wind blows" type. Ok got it. ;)
What I actually said in that thread was....
I love Wikipedia. However, Opeth's genre classification in Wikipedia is the result of a single fan's opinion (who entered and/or edited the Opeth entry) and carries no real weight.
So... what I said was, "I love Wiki...", not that it was a "poor resource". I was careful to, and correct in, pointing out that Wiki, like any other resource, is unable to offer a definitive genre classification for a band. However, I trust Wiki to provide accurate numbers that can easily be verified. I suspect you're smart enough to see the difference.

Again...you're using sales as a measuring device.
In all fairness, that's the correct use of numbers.:goggly:

Had you simply stated that DT was the superior band, I wouldn't have used numbers to refute that. However, when you state that someone has "dominated" something, it's typical to back that up with numbers/statistics.

I believe QR have been around some years longer than DT. They were selling hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of albums before DT cut their first. And, they were in the hayday of the metal scene...DT's success came after grunge/alterntive took over. Not a good measuring device.
While I don't think anything Dream Theater has done would have had the commercial appeal of those late 80s QR discs, that's a fair point.

I would say talent puts them above QR...that & of course my opinion...of which both make you wrong. :heh:

:loco: Mouth...foot...
Saying Dream Theater has been the better band since the release of Promised Land, says little about Dream Theater.

Saying Dream Theater has been the better band since the release of Promised Land, says little about Dream Theater.


***Hey when did DT release "Promised Land"? :lol: Are they covering that cd live in 2009?:lol:
What I actually said in that thread was....
So... what I said was, "I love Wiki...", not that it was a "poor resource". I was careful to, and correct in, pointing out that Wiki, like any other resource, is unable to offer a definitive genre classification for a band. However, I trust Wiki to provide accurate numbers that can easily be verified. I suspect you're smart enough to see the difference.

I'm sure they can be verified. But it can't be dismissed that QR released their 2 heavy hitters, O:M I & Empire, years before DT's I&W. Not to mention The Warning & RFO before that. And Mindcrime & Empire were at the heighth of the metal years. Again, DT came in on metal's decline & the grunge takeover. No small feat for DT to assert themselves at that time because album sales for metal bands were in a extreme downward spiral at that time.

In all fairness, that's the correct use of numbers.:goggly:

But useless for the determination of who is the top band of a genre. :rolleyes: Especially when QR's existance in the genre at this time is questionable at best.

Had you simply stated that DT was the superior band, I wouldn't have used numbers to refute that. However, when you state that someone has "dominated" something, it's typical to back that up with numbers/statistics.

DT has dominated progressive metal for the past...say 15 - 17 years...QR did from 1988 -1990 or so. Hope that makes you feel warm & cuddly. :lol:

While I don't think anything Dream Theater has done would have had the commercial appeal of those late 80s QR discs, that's a fair point.

Of course the commercial appeal is not there for DT...they were never in the "metal years" like QR were. QR's brand of music was commercially acceptable at that time. DT's never were & never have been. But, they rose to the top despite that.

Saying Dream Theater has been the better band since the release of Promised Land, says little about Dream Theater.


You missed the point. Like l said, QR enjoyed the top of the genre for...at best 4 years. Promised Land was released in the grunge era & got little recognition. Subsequent releases...well l don't even have to go there...and based on this, for the last 15 years QR can't even qualify as progressive metal anymore.

I&W was released in the grunge era...and is considered the epitome progressive metal release. DT continue to turn out quality progressive metal to this very day...17 years after the release of I&W.
Gotta throw my two cents in here... great discussion and opinions...here are my comments...
Labrie hasn't been the weak link in the band since Jordan Rudess joined.
Jordan's body of work is far greater than Jame's in my opinion...

All these comments about James singing 2-3 hours a night?!?!? He only sings on the average 30% - 40% during any given song, and that is a generous approximation. No singer that I can think of gets more rest during a show than James...

Don't get me wrong, as much as I think he's the week link in DT I also don't believe any other singer would be welcomed in replacing him, he is the voice of DT... and that long list of replacement singers someone had going, I personally think for style, range, and tonal quality...to sing Labrie's melodies and words... DC Cooper would be the best to do the job!
ugh...Jordan Rudess is simply one of the most accomplished master musicians in the world.. I just dont GET this 'weak link' crap...
DT has dominated progressive metal for the past...say 15 - 17 years...
So we're back to this idea that they've "dominated". Other than your stamp of approval, I'm not sure by what measure you reach that determination. You've pointed out that sales data is a useless guage of such things. So we're left with the quality of their work as the determining factor. And let's face it, they haven't dominated anything by that standard. In fact, they've been trading on their reputation for nearly a decade. Octavarium? Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence? I did a quick query of the board's 2007 lists. You know how many people had Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence #1? One person.... you. That's dominant?

And not for nothing, but dominating Progressive Metal is the 1990s is akin to... hmmm... I honestly can't think of a more worthless distinction than dominating Progressive Metal in the 1990s.

...QR did from 1988 -1990 or so. Hope that makes you feel warm & cuddly.:lol:
Actually... it does. Last night, when I got out of bed to turn up the heat, my wife said, "You don't need to turn the heat up. Just lie down and ponder how Queensryche dominated Prog Metal from 88-90." And just like that, I felt a warming sensation in the cockles of my heart and slept like a big bald baby.

In fact, they've been trading on their reputation for nearly a decade.

Surely you're smart enough to realize QR have been trading on their own rep for even longer. All the while putting out material that doesn't even relate to the prog metal genre.

Octavarium? Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence?

So...Tribe and O:MII are better? A resounding...NO!...will suffice.:lol:

I did a quick query of the board's 2007 lists. You know how many people had Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence #1? One person.... you. That's dominant?

Using this board as a barometer? With all of it's...let's say 50 people that actually post? And, with all it's notorious DT haters? Puhleeeeze.:Smug:

And not for nothing, but dominating Progressive Metal is the 1990s is akin to... hmmm... I honestly can't think of a more worthless distinction than dominating Progressive Metal in the 1990s.

Ok...so QR's dominance is insignificant...while DT's is significant. I agree. ;)
Actually... it does. Last night, when I got out of bed to turn up the heat, my wife said, "You don't need to turn the heat up. Just lie down and ponder how Queensryche dominated Prog Metal from 88-90." And just like that, I felt a warming sensation in the cockles of my heart and slept like a big bald baby.


There have been a quite a few posts/comments that have elicited a laugh from yours truly while reading this board over the past few years, but this one has to be my favorite of them all thus far! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Surely you're smart enough to realize QR have been trading on their own rep for even longer. All the while putting out material that doesn't even relate to the prog metal genre.
You're preaching to the choir. I've barely had a kind word to say about QR in more than a decade. This has never been (for me) a comparison between the two band's current work. Neither holds any real interest for me.

So...Tribe and O:MII are better? A resounding...NO!...will suffice.:lol:
Again, I have no idea what QR's recent output has to do with this conversation. You said Dream Theater "dominates" the genre. If releasing a disc better than Tribe constitutes dominating the genre, than there's about 30,000 bands currently dominating the genre.

Using this board as a barometer? With all of it's...let's say 50 people that actually post? And, with all it's notorious DT haters? Puhleeeeze.:Smug:
It's as good a barometer as any. Why wouldn't a band that "dominates" the genre find some love on this board? Savatage (in its various incarnations), Symphony X, Vanden Plas, Circus Maximus, Pain of Salvation, etc. have no shortage of fans here. Why would the dominant band in the genre be greeted by a forum full of "haters"?

You're preaching to the choir. I've barely had a kind word to say about QR in more than a decade. This has never been (for me) a comparison between the two band's current work. Neither holds any real interest for me.

Again, I have no idea what QR's recent output has to do with this conversation. You said Dream Theater "dominates" the genre. If releasing a disc better than Tribe constitutes dominating the genre, than there's about 30,000 bands currently dominating the genre.

Hey...you're the one professing that QR is ahead of DT in the progressive metal genre...not me. :goggly:

None of the other 30,000 can draw like DT & currently have their own touring fest.

Savatage (in its various incarnations), Symphony X, Vanden Plas, Circus Maximus, Pain of Salvation


These bands have performed at PP...in some form or fashion. So...to say there's some ass kissing would be putting it lightly. But, even they have their detractors.
Hey...you're the one professing that QR is ahead of DT in the progressive metal genre...not me. :goggly:
Only with respect to each band's historical place in the genre. As for the current day, I have no interest in either band's output. Neither band is within a decade's reach of their best days.

None of the other 30,000 can draw like DT & currently have their own touring fest.
Drawing is sales. And sales, a very wise man once told me, is "not an accurate measurement device". :loco:

These bands have performed at PP...in some form or fashion. So...to say there's some ass kissing would be putting it lightly. But, even they have their detractors.
Even if there is some ass kissing going on, it doesn't explain all the Dream Theater haters. And quite honestly, I think the forum's opinion on Dream Theater's current music is slanted, if anything, in their favor. When you look at whose posting favorable things about Dream Theater's current releases, it's most often the older posters, who were raised on IaW and approach a new DT release with a glass half full perspective.

Person #1: Pomegranate tastes better than Granny Smith apples.

Person #2: That's not true! Granny Smith apples sell more!

Person #1: But Pomegrante tastes better, therefore the superior fruit!

Person #2: What matters is sales. Sales determine better. Everybody knows that Green Day was the greatest punk band ever, Metallica is the greatest metal band, and Kenny G is the best saxophone player in history.

Person #1: Pomegranate tastes better than Granny Smith apples.
What an absurd statement. Everyone knows Granny Smith apples are better than pomegranates. Where do you get off even comparing a tip-bearing apple cultivar to a a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub?


:kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
