James LaBrie cancels PPUSA performance

The only thing I can think of is the end of the set? Jon was pissed on stage because he thought there were technical difficulties. However, it was Jon's guitar that actually blew up. Nobody could figure out wtf happened at the time, including his techs. They took it apart and it was blackened/charred on the inside. His tech told him he never seen that happen in his 20 years on the road. Once Jon was shown, he was incredulous and couldn't believe it either.

I'm not trying to change your mind. I just want you to know that Jon was one of the most gracious and coolest guys to ever attend the fest backstage.
the hour of set up because Iced Earth had to use their own stage show.
However, if they get a new headliner, would it be feasible to get Accept at this late date? They don't seem to be doing any live shows in early September, and seeing them headline would be awesome.

Seeing Accept live is on my bucket list. Besides, who doesn't like Accept?
I'd love it if Tarja came out when they play "The Princess of the Dawn".

Edit. Just noticed Glenn's announcement made earlier today. Sons of Apollo will be awesome! Thanks Glenn. Really looking forward to seeing them, much more than Pepe LeBrie.
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