
The problem was that the keyboard wasn´t mine. It was a broken piece of shit and AFTER the show (We DID play all the songs we were gonna play) I gave it some treatment.
It was really nice to come back home after a really hard tour, and read here that I am an asshole for ending the gig too soon.

Originally posted by Janne Warman
The problem was that the keyboard wasn´t mine. It was a broken piece of shit and AFTER the show (We DID play all the songs we were gonna play) I gave it some treatment.
It was really nice to come back home after a really hard tour, and read here that I am an asshole for ending the gig too soon.


assholes are the ones who dont know the meaning of the word dropped
Originally posted by Fifth_Horseman
heh, I bet Alexi will smash his ESP Rhoads after some shows... hope it'll be at the Hamburg gig so I can see it. :D


oh, I hope he won't! he should give his ESP to me instead.
I could sell it and get myself a jackson instead... :lol:

I still don't get he changed to ESP...

is he gonna stay with ESP?
do you know (or can you tell us) anything about it?
I simply can't imagine alexi with anything else but his rhoads...
especially when I heard him talk about ESP after the sinergy gig in frankfurt a month ago... let's say, it wasn't the sweetest tunes he lost about ESP. :lol:
jacksons are a bunch of suckers if they don't get him another new custom!!
I'd lend him mine, if I had something compareable to his custom.

this guy whoe stole'em was really, really, a fuckin bastard!!!!
forcing half of the band to change label of instruments...
what a bitchhead!!!

well, I just can hope they will feel comfortable with their ESPs and get used to it, if they really have to stay with ESP... :cry:

and; oh, janne;
it's really cool to see you posting hear!!!
not many people do that...
looking forward to hear your new material!!! (I still resisted to download the stuff, I'll wait to get the album!! and no; I'm not such a "no sex before marriage freak"!! :lol: )
I liked what I heard on wacken!! still looking forward to get the new CD from finiland soon!! :rock:
Originally posted by Northern Viking
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:






Dude, he's doing the best solos on the new album, he just said "Gay and Lying" AND he likes Deloreans!

Could i luv him MORE right now?!?! I DON'T THINK SO! :rock:

Originally posted by Janne Warman
The problem was that the keyboard wasn´t mine. It was a broken piece of shit and AFTER the show (We DID play all the songs we were gonna play) I gave it some treatment.
It was really nice to come back home after a really hard tour, and read here that I am an asshole for ending the gig too soon.


Afff... nevermind them, Janne. Fuck what those few assholes say. You know the problem, you know what happened, you know you're not guilty, that's what deos really matter. We understand you. People love talking about what they don't know. Ignore them. They're gay and lying :grin:
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
kuvazs... you almost made me cry with that one... :rock:

Pow, num sacaneia ae

Ps: Mas foi tesão ele tacando o teclado, huahuahua. Depois ele saiu pela porta de trás cuma prostituta feia prá caralho (sério, o bicho era feio mesmo. Tipo, eles revezaram, saca? Naquela noite, ela era do Janne. Dia seguinte, o Henkka tava cum ela. Mto engraçado. Tinha uma lora tbm que tentava falar cum eles por gestos. Pffff... primeiro o Ewo cumeu ela e depois ela era dum chileno q tava com eles. Eu pensei em perguntar pra um dos dois aqui quem era o chileno com a prostituta loira, mas acho melhor não tocar nesse assunto com eles) e ninguém percebeu o coitado, acredita? Sério, ele passo ca mina e ninguém fez nada. Ae saiu o Jaska e a galera voou em cima.