January 5th, 2003...

Well we're certainly in agreement there! :grin:

I'll let you know when I'll be travelling to your side of the globe, it might be sooner than later.
markgugs said:
I just got turned down for a job, and found out 2 others I was in the process of working on are now off the market. I'm about to head into panic mode.
Oh man! Was that the one in South Hackensack? F me, I thought you had that one. Geez, talk about them dangling the carrot.

Not to sound all hippy like, but sometimes all these setbacks (like losing a bird, or a job) work out for the best. Call it karma, call it fate, call it pot luck. I know that's easier said than done when you feel like shit, but it helps keep things in some positive light.

Sooner or later, lady luck has got to turn, but what a bitch she can be.
NAD said:
BWD: The Satanic Verses is quite possibly the greatest book ever written, even more than the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I've not read it, but over the last several months, I've been researching into aetheistic beliefs and paganism from around the birth of Islam, and the concept behind these Satanic Verses is fascinating. I'm not sure what the book divulges (considering it's a work of fiction, correct?), but it's fascinating how Muhammad claimed that Satan forced him to recite these verses in order to save his own life. And then of course, just like any organized religion, the fanatical leaders want this kept from the public, and people like Salman Rushdie have to go into hiding for the rest of their lives.

Yes, it's a threadjack, but feel free to start a new thread on this. It's good stuff.
JayKeeley said:
I'm not sure what the book divulges (considering it's a work of fiction, correct?), but it's fascinating how Muhammad claimed that Satan forced him to recite these verses in order to save his own life.
There is a part in the book that goes into something like this. I don't know a whole lot about Islam, but honestly I didn't see what was such a big deal. I remember reading that a verse in the Quran was bastardized, but since I've never read the Quran I don't really know.

Yes, it's a work of fiction, about two men who are the only survivors of an airplane exploding at 20,000 feet, but that is merely the first page. Put it this way, I didn't exactly sleep during the two weeks it took me to read the book. :)
OK this is cool stuff. I need to take a shower, hahaha. I'll be back later to start a new thread.

By the way, back on topic, how is your (ex) girlfriend coping?
Dunno man, haven't talked to her since Monday night when it all went down. I told her I wouldn't blame her for avoiding me for 6 months, but to expect some 4am phone calls between now and then. Probably call her in a week or two if I don't hear from her first.
I was the one to bring it to attention, but it was fairly mutual (she's wanting marriage, I tell her no way I can do that for a long time, blah blah). It certainly wasn't happy, which is why we can't go from breaking up to hunky dory in a day, and avoiding one another is the only possible choice for a little while.

Justin, I'll read Hesse soon enough and you can babble incessently to me about him in a few weeks. :loco: