Japan´s Tsunami

Yeah, my comment was in completely bad taste, to say the least.

That said, I cannot be the only one seeing some irony in people being trapped inside Disneyland, of all places? Maybe it's because I grew up 45 minutes from Disneyland USA, or because I'm having a fucked up reaction to this:


Waves are predicted to hit the western coast of the United States between 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. EST today. People near the beach and in low-lying coastal areas of Point Conception in Santa Barbara County were told to move immediately inland to higher ground.

Which is more or less where I live.
My thoughts are definitely with everyone involved in these disasters we are seeing all over the world. Obviously we are going to be going through some tough times so let's all make sure to keep our heads up!
The BBC have confirmed that some radioactive vapor will be released from the Fukushima nuclear plant to deal with the rising pressure.
Everyone in the world will remember seeing that video for the first time. To see the cars driving helplessly and then get taken down like that is remarkable.
I found the big-ass ships and floating houses the most impressive :eek:
There was a fucking ship the size of like 1000 cars and it was lying on the side. wtf.

The only positive thing about all this is Japan being very high developed (i.e. construction safety of the houses) and thus pretty good prepared for such a catastrophy.
My thoughts are with all people there and their familys and friends. :(

The possible threat of a nuclear meltdown is scaring the shit ouf of me. Let's just hope the engineers and scientists do everything right and have a bit of luck, too.
Saw this last night, I hope everyone who has family/friends/lives in any of the affected areas are all alright (that is to say: alive). Was watching the footage last night on the news and it was honestly one of the scariest things I've ever seen...

Weather really is fucked at the moment it would seem.
My sympathies to the people there. It never ceases to amaze me how well they are prepared for earthquakes. One of the strongest earthquakes in recent history and the majority of the damage is caused by the tsunami. Guess Nature will find a way to make it's point. Hope they can recover quickly, they are a resilient nation.
Here's a good source for the latest news:


Definitely something to worry about, not to mention the high risk of replicas.
Apparently explosion(s) have been heard nearby and eventhough the structure is a lot more secure than old Tchernobyl power plant, I wouldn't take anything for granted. Especially when the Nuclear Safety Agency is using a lot of euphemisms in its communication.:zombie: