Japan´s Tsunami

Scary shit. It's not like a meltdown is a big explosion, you wouldn't even see it - but a damaged (erm..non existing) enclosure is pretty fucking bad :S

They say it was the outer enclosure (obviously) and the reactor enclosure is intact, but noone knows
According to some Russian nuclear scientist, a new "Chernobyl" is out of the question because they don't use graphite so there's nothing to burn. This is a rough translation of the local news so it might not be completely accurate.
Shit. I guess this is the big downside to not having a tv. This sort of news has just flown right by me, and I had no grasp of the severity of it all!

That said, I cannot be the only one seeing some irony in people being trapped inside Disneyland, of all places?

I thought the same thing.

One thing I find even more ironic on a much more personal level though: My ex is from New Zealand, and is now back living there. She was/is one of those weeaboo/wapanese/wanna-be-Japanese people. The quakes in Tokyo have caused tsunami warnings in the south pacific, including New Zealand. So it's almost like Japan has extended its enormous watery hand to slap her around the face :lol:
Shit is getting real, fuuuuck.
Just been sitting here waiting for every single update on the situation haha
My people are safe, thank fuck for that.. allthough it is sooo sad to hear about their friends missing and their houses burned or flooded/destroyed.. best of luck to all there and people who have friends and/or family in the area.
I never really cared about distasters all over the world, but this shit really is the fuck. I wish all the best to everyone over there and hope, they get through it. This is very bad, fuck :(


^^Are those fuckheads for real?

Latest news is that the confinement enclosure (the one that prevent this accident to become a new Chernobyl) is still up. Doesn't mean that the reactor isn't melting down though.
So I was reading some story online saying Japan is the most ready for tsunami locations on the planet...

However the preparations are based on events happening over a decade ago? This was a shitty situation that happened, but I got to say out of any place on earth Japan seemed to be best suited to handle getting nailed by a giant wave.

Anyone have an input on that?
I work for a Japanese company in the USA and most of the Japanese staff couldn't contact their families. However, they kept working without missing a beat. Their culture always amazes me.
Oh my... (@ those "two words: pearl habor" people). The stupid really burns. I've got two words for them, too: Subhuman being.
Pearl Harbor: 2403 dead
Hiroshima/Nagasaki: 222000+ dead
One should think their stupid vengeance feelings have been satisfied. But clearly, it was not enough payback.. omfg

But it's good to see US guys from this forum are not as stupid.
Not a single one of those motherfuckers was even alive when Pearl Harbour happened. It was a WAR... shit happens during WAR. This is a natural distaster. Equating the two is fucking pathetic.
Japan has has various earthquakes prior to this of varied degrees of severity and and dumbasses pick this one as the 'payback'? Without Facebook or other social forums I wonder if most of these people would have been saying this to themselves from their couch/recliner in front of the television.