Japan´s Tsunami

The first thing I thought when I heard about this was about the poor families and loss of life that must of occurred. Pearl Harbor didn't cross my mind, and you can't blame an entire nation for the actions of their government anyway... fuckin' Americans.
Sad to read this Pearl Harbour stuff. The response about "they didn't help us with the Katrina, now I don't want to help them" (or something like that) is very usual these days in many aspects in life and still amazes me.

If we cared more about where our money goes when giving it to our bank, the world wouldn't be as near as it is now. Big corporations that poison the soil and oceans, grow genetically modified food, destroy the natural resources and balance, make weapons that make wars profitable, etc.

2nd generation speculation in general. All of them keep doing so because of our money but some people still need to receive something back when helping others and keep looking for excuses not to do it.

We need to change that trendy selfish and egoistic point of view. Some more than others from what I see.
Funny how they talk about karma from Pearl Harbor, yet they forget that their own nation commited biggest crime against nature/humanity there could be by using A-Bombs (and against Japan while we're at it)... Not that I hate Americans, I love you guys, but seriously some of your people are just THAT dumb. They should actually pray to their god that karma isn't real now.
I have family in Sendai - Miyagui. A cousin is trying to reach them, as I can´t speak japanese.

About the right wing americans, I wouldn´t expect more from them. There´s stupid people everywhere.
About the right wing americans, I wouldn´t expect more from them. There´s stupid people everywhere.

Can we stop stereotyping "Americans" and "Right-Winged" as the bigots who have no class or taste. There are idiots everywhere, in ever country, stereotyping Americans for Jeff's joke, and then making comments about how dumb Americans are because we have bigots just like everyone else make you just as intolerant and bigoted as the ones you are stereotyping.

@Mindmunch, where the hell did you get "Right-wing" from. How the hell do you even know the political stance of most if not all the idiots that are talking shit in bad taste towards Japan? You don't. There are just as many bigots on the left side as there are on the right, and equal as many from other nations.
Yeah actually pretty much everbody said there were stupid people everywhere and the few really stupid ones are wrongly taken as a proof for an entire nation's "stupidity".
That aside, I can see where the term right-wing came from. People as shown, hating an entire nation (japan in this case) for an attack in war 70 years ago, and then seeing a natural disaster that kills thousands of people as some kind of revenge or karma striking back are totally right-wing to me.

I also love how they don't even remotely understand what karma is about. Right, the decision of some generals results in "bad karma" for the entire nation and they get punished 70 years from that.. which means the biggest part of them didn't even witness Pearl Habor. That's so stupid I can't even be furious. I'm just sorry for them being born without brains.

But again: These are just stupid people and not "the Americans".. I think everybody knows that.
Man the power of retards is so enhanced by the internet. I doubt most of those "remember pearl harbor" people speak that crap in public. Too bad freedom of speech applies to absolute morons too. I attribute a lot of these bad remarks to public education in America being in such a sorry state.

It is also absurd the claims that Japan sent no help after hurricane Katrina, because they did like a lot of countries. Japan has been one of America's best allies since the end of WWII. It is pure madness not to help your friends when they need it.

America should always help people after a natural disaster if for no better reason than it is in it's best interest. The amount of good will and opness toward cooperating with U.S. in the future created by helping disaster victims is far stronger than any military can ever be.
Funny how they talk about karma from Pearl Harbor, yet they forget that their own nation commited biggest crime against nature/humanity there could be by using A-Bombs (and against Japan while we're at it)... Not that I hate Americans, I love you guys, but seriously some of your people are just THAT dumb. They should actually pray to their god that karma isn't real now.

Yeah no shit, if you are going to say anything was payback for Pearl Harbour isn't a fucking NUCLEAR BOMB enough?

Fucking redneck pieces of shit.
Yeah no shit, if you are going to say anything was payback for Pearl Harbour isn't a fucking NUCLEAR BOMB enough?

Exactly. How many did the Japanese Kill in PH? 2403, most where Military personnel. How many did we kill as retaliation? 200,000 innocent civilians for each city (which I condone the actions of our government for said actions). I think not only Karma was served, but we owe Japan if anything. But that is the past, and the US and Japan are huge allies.
Been living without TV for the last 2 weeks because of renovating and still need to get a flat screen (because my fat old as TV set won't fit in its new place) so I just heared it on the radio.
Saw a doku on earthquakes about 2 months ago, and they told that Japan/Tokio is awaiting a new major eathquake that should have been allready some years ago but didn't take place so far.
So I knew that they are prepared very well for that kind of desaster (most awesome fire guard, whole city does earthquake drills and so on...), good to know that at least.
But the Tsunami coming afterwards is really a fistfuck from nature...even if it's nothing unusual to be happening after an earthquake.
Really hope that they sort it out and manage to safe as many lifes as possible...I also know people who have family there.

About the 2 words scumbags: If the topic wouldnt be so sad I'd think it's funny how bluntly some people show there ignorance to the world, and are even proud of it. But there's stupid assholes all over the world.
and +1 on jippchen on the stupid revenge thinking stuff.
This could be a bit more of a situation:
