Japan´s Tsunami

After falling into the trap of the internet, I'm worried that information is being withheld to stop global panic. Shit, I'm so worried I even started thinking the whole Charlie Sheen situation has been set up to focus our attention somewhere else... plan better.

Yeah but of all time this is the time to actually be worried. If the radiation is as bad as predicted, the west coast of the US will have to be evacuated. You would think they would tell us shit like that. They will wait until they are completely sure though, making the panic to evacuate much worse.
A global conspiracy, you're saying? Dunno, kinda too Dan-Brown-ish for me, although I agree on retained informations
Yeah but of all time this is the time to actually be worried. If the radiation is as bad as predicted, the west coast of the US will have to be evacuated. You would think they would tell us shit like that. They will wait until they are completely sure though, making the panic to evacuate much worse.

I hope its fuck all man, I really do. I'm not sure of the scale of earthquakes, but there has been 100s all over the world in the last couple days. I dont know if thats normal or not, but thats just me

This was posted two days before the Japan quake. Solar flares, earthquakes, volcanoes, civil unrest EVERYWHERE .... ignore the lame new world order shit at the start.

Either way, I'm losing my head over here! WAYYYYYYYY too much shit going on in the world right now for my liking
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A global conspiracy, you're saying? Dunno, kinda too Dan-Brown-ish for me, although I agree on retained informations

See I dont even think its a conspiracy thing. Its a nature thing. I just think information is being withheld and our attention is being diverted elsewhere... EVERYTHING is okay sheeple
Well, I think it's kinda a two-sided thing. On the one hand, I think the government withdraws information, on the other hand I'd the media uses every little piece of "scandal" and hype it...
A global conspiracy, you're saying? Dunno, kinda too Dan-Brown-ish for me, although I agree on retained informations

Not a conspiracy. The thing that most people don't know is that the moons orbit is getting the closest than is has ever been to the earth in recorded history. There where prediction that massive earthquakes would happen and volcano eruptions because the gravity effects the tectonic plates. It will subside when the orbit goes back to normal, but it has been recking absolute devastation on our global weather.
Man fuck the internet. I've read some terrifying stuff over the last few hours. I really hope this is fuck all.

Not that it already isn't a big deal, but I'm scared the worst is yet to come

Oh and this link might be useful to some, might be bull, i'll post it anyway


That looks fucking scary.... Seems pretty constant... I've always been a ver sceptic guy, but the 2012 shit starts to bug me a little bit with all of this shit happening more and more...
Not a conspiracy. The thing that most people don't know is that the moons orbit is getting the closest than is has ever been to the earth in recorded history. There where prediction that massive earthquakes would happen and volcano eruptions because the gravity effects the tectonic plates. It will subside when the orbit goes back to normal, but it has been recking absolute devastation on our global weather.

yep, heard about that... let's see what happens, guess no one knows and we can't prevent it anyway..
That looks fucking scary.... Seems pretty constant... I've always been a ver sceptic guy, but the 2012 shit starts to bug me a little bit with all of this shit happening more and more...

Same here. I've never believed this end of the world stuff, and global disaster would happen in my lifetime, and I still hope it doesn't. But things don't look fucking good.

Too much shit happening for me to ignore anymore. Even the alignment of planets effecting our gravitational pull and seismic activity.

Also, might be a bit off topic, but I'm a pretty spiritual person and in the last week or 2, I've felt totally off balance. Just not myself and general weirdness.

Fuck, I've been up till 5/6am EVERY night for the last 5 days. Its 5 am now :(
and it just keeps pouring in:


As the image above illustrates, the prevailing jet stream moves from Japan to the United States across the Pacific Ocean. Airborne radiation would work its way into the jet stream and reach the United States in less than 36 hours. Jet streams flow from west to east in the upper portion of the troposphere.
Bt downplaying this serious disaster, the Japanese government is not only endangering its own people, but also millions of people in the United States and Canada.
The cover-up by the Japanese government provides more evidence that government cannot be trusted to safeguard the lives of its citizens.

I still don't believe in that 2012 crap. The weather predictions where supposed to be extremely bad this year, with stars aligning lunar orbit and global weather shifts. This has been known for awhile and was predicted to settle down by the end of the year. 2012 is supposed to be a relief. If they where right bout this year being shit (and it has been) I am sure next year won't be bad just as predicted.
and it just keeps pouring in:


I still don't believe in that 2012 crap. The weather predictions where supposed to be extremely bad this year, with stars aligning lunar orbit and global weather shifts. This has been known for awhile and was predicted to settle down by the end of the year. 2012 is supposed to be a relief. If they where right bout this year being shit (and it has been) I am sure next year won't be bad just as predicted.

When was this announced man? Just now?

I can't believe it, honestly

"Prior to the explosion of the containment structure, exposure rates outside the plant were at about 620 millirems per hour. Radiation exposure for the average individual is 620 millirems per year"

And yeah, the whole 2012 thing is bull shit to me too. But we wont get into that!
Its kinda of old, earlier today, not within the hour by all means. Watching some of the RT videos its looking a but obvious that Japan is hiding information which would explain the conflicting stories.

Editor’s note: Forbes posted the following yesterday: “Without cooling water, the irradiated nuclear fuel could spontaneously combust in an exothermic reaction. Since the storage pools are not located within containment, a catastrophic radioactivity release to the environment could occur. Up to 100 percent of the volatile radioactive Cesium-137 content of the pools could go up in flames and smoke, to blow downwind over large distances. Given the large quantity of irradiated nuclear fuel in the pool, the radioactivity release could be worse than the Chernobyl nuclear reactor catastrophe of 25 years ago.”

'Partial' meltdown, 'no radiation'.. People are so dam gullible :lol:
Once one reactor melts, the other 5 can follow in a cascade effect

and it looks like now that a second reactor at another plant has now begun meltdown. Looks like by the way they are wording it that the other reactor has completely blown. Bit for the past hour or so there has been complete media silence.
and it looks like now that a second reactor at another plant has now begun meltdown. Looks like by the way they are wording it that the other reactor has completely blown. Bit for the past hour or so there has been complete media silence.

Is there a source about the second reactor?

Was uploaded about half an ago hour but I'm assuming its old, well, earlier today and isn't really news

I've also been reading about things getting worse around March 15th. More earthquakes, tornadoes, etc etc

And facebook is suppose to be closing down on that day... weird
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Just watching a live feed on bbc (tv) and the reporter stated that they're still trying to cool the power plant ... :err:

They're still talking about the Tsunami, quickly moving on from the nuclear meltdown situation
When one reactor melts down, the high temperatures are most likely to fuck up the other 5.
And the japanese people are still somewhat calmed NOT because they are 'very civilized', but because their local tv stations are keeping them hugely misinformed.