Japan´s Tsunami

Well, one has to understand.. media/gov making the people go hysteric solves nothing. And in a worst case scenario here, there's really little to do, I'd guess (specially w replicas).
No news coverage atm, because America is at mid nite right now.
It is not. They have now confirmed a radiation leak as the result of the explosions.

Also not sure if my calculations where correct but, if the leak is as bad or close to meltdown, the amount of radiation that would reach the west coast would be enough to kill everyone within 6-10 days. 750-1500 Rads is a lot of radiation.

You're scaring me man... o_o
And here comes the facefuck backlash...karma for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


On a serious note I have friends on the west coast and remembering how prompt and organized the response was to Katrina, I'd urge you all to be ready to gun it past the mountains and into some holes in the ground asap.
Funny how they talk about karma from Pearl Harbor, yet they forget that their own nation commited biggest crime against nature/humanity there could be by using A-Bombs (and against Japan while we're at it)... Not that I hate Americans, I love you guys, but seriously some of your people are just THAT dumb. They should actually pray to their god that karma isn't real now.

Yeah, isn't karma a hindu thing? I thought most Americans were christians, pure in the eyes of the lord.:loco: Fucking hypocrite bullshit rednecks that's what they are, the ones who post bullshit like that on facebook.