Jau Jau!! Sounds funny...

[big dark threatening voice]You dare question my command?[/big dark threatening voice]

*hands over more paper to DWD*
Uh right... I'll just continue to think of it as 'yeah's, because it makes way more sense to me, especially since Alexi yells 'yeah' in pretty much every song (if not every song). Why couldn't he yell yeah more than once? It isn't very hard to believe. Easier to believe than someone shouting made-up words...

EDIT: Plus, Alexi says he was influenced by the Taneli Jarva-era of Sentenced. If you recall the Trooper cover Jarva screams 'right' and 'yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah'... I always thought this is why Alexi yells these words in songs (or part of the reason, anyway).

Anyone else agree with me?