jaykeely. . .

JayKeeley said:
This is the worst winter I've been through ever. Two flus, three colds, and a sinus infection. Next year I'll do the sensible thing and get a flu jab, And tonight, it's snowing. Again. Fucking shovelling my cunting driveway and sidewalk again for the 20th time in the last fucking 2 months. Honestly, for someone who goes into NYC 4 times a year, it's just not worth it anymore. I need to move where the winter months don't last 5 months and turn everything into snow, sludge, ice, and rainy cesspits.
Spoken like someone who doesn't remember that winter in the northeast lasts well into April. Always.

Come to think of it, aren't you British? They'd kill for 40 degrees F in March.
Seriously, I would consider it. I've even been looking at Arizona just for the hell of it. Phoenix is becoming like the next Atlanta (except without the abundance of ghettos and muggers after dark) - lots of young professional people moving down there.

I was talking to my dad's friend the other night - he lives in San Diego. Shit, he said the last forest fires came right to his backyard, and then all of a sudden the wind direction changed and his house is still standing. Everything else around him in his town looks like the surface of the moon now apparently.

If I was to move to Cali, it would be South CA all the way. There is no point moving to San Fran - way too expensive, and the weather isn't much better than what I'm already having to put up with. Otherwise I'd go back to the UK now for family reasons aka babysitting services, heh.
NAD said:
You're lucky, you don't have to deal with much smog up there. It has been better in recent years I suppose, or I'm just completely jaded to it now.
What's smog? We have fog off and on. Other than all the fricken off road vehicles that the yuppies have spent several thousand dollars after-market on, the only thing that pollutes in SLO is my ass from ingesting so much protein powder.
markgugs said:
Come to think of it, aren't you British? They'd kill for 40 degrees F in March.

Nah, it never gets this bad. I think it snowed once a few years ago - it was about an inch that lasted for about 20 minutes. I've certainly never had to dig snow out of my front yard. England never gets too hot, and it never gets too cold. Just stays 'middle of the road' and drizzly all year round - exactly like San Francisco from what I've heard.
So Cal is becoming so overpopulated it's ridiculous. Places that were considered the boonies (and rightly so) have hundreds of new homes popping up with more on the way. Perris, Beaumont, fucking Romoland, etc. are booming and 5 years ago they looked like the movie Tremors.
npearce said:
What's smog? We have fog off and on. Other than all the fricken off road vehicles that the yuppies have spent several thousand dollars after-market on, the only thing that pollutes in SLO is my ass from ingesting so much protein powder.
OY! I'm not a yuppie but I'm an offroader dammit! :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Nah, it never gets this bad. I think it snowed once a few years ago - it was about an inch that lasted for about 20 minutes. I've certainly never had to dig snow out of my front yard. England never gets too hot, and it never gets too cold. Just stays 'middle of the road' and drizzly all year round - exactly like San Francisco from what I've heard.
San Francisco's weather is great, with the exception of about 3 months of the year, btw.

Also btw, London (circa Wembley) is 40 degrees F as I type this. :cool:
NAD said:
So Cal is becoming so overpopulated it's ridiculous. Places that were considered the boonies (and rightly so) have hundreds of new homes popping up with more on the way. Perris, Beaumont, fucking Romoland, etc. are booming and 5 years ago they looked like the movie Tremors.
:lol: Tremors ruled! Best Kevin Bacon film ever next to Footloose. :loco: Yeah, I can't deal with the boonies. Unlike you lot, I need to easy access to international airports!

NY is good for that, and a great city too, but the friggin weather is too much now. Bear in mind, we LOVED Boston and moved after 12 months because the winter was such a friggin' disaster, and Logan Airport is the shittiest airport in the world. It suffers from 3 hour flight delays even when the weather is ok.
Yeah, but those places aren't even the boonies anymore! Especially now with Ontario Airport gone international, you don't have to drive all the way to LAX!
No no, that's Rule #18. Rule #17 is 'when in doubt, talk about getting drunk at home and purposely exaggerate all the mispellings in your posts to reflect level of drunkeness'. :grin:

I thought that was rule #1...

I can see my tombstone now: "Here lay NAD, he made up that ubiquitous phrase EEEIIIRRRDSSS!!!111111"
The weather in California is always awesome - mind you being in the Valleys (LA) can get pretty sweltering at times.

markgugs said:
Also btw, London (circa Wembley) is 40 degrees F as I type this. :cool:
What the fuck is this? Are you seriously gay markgugs? Where did you get this piece of info from? Google ass-wipe-forwards...sheeyat boyeee time to get out of the house and get some fresh air in your lungs. Wembley is the equivalent of getting a temperature reading in some crack house on Queens.

NYC (and points nearby) >>>>>>
Dude, when was the last time you even went into NYC? What about London, LA, Chicago (best place to party), Bangkok, Paris, Singapore, Athens..?????

Man, the dumbest thing is that you live in NJ (above a bouffant hairdresser :) ) and the only time you goto NYC is to L'Amour's in Brooklyn - even then you stay inside the club!....You NEVER EVER venture into NYC. You fucking make me laugh! :tickled:

Fifth law of GUGSWAY: Maintain the pretence of talking shite. :worship:
ChiefB said:
Dude, when was the last time you even went into NYC? What about London, LA, Chicago (best place to party), Bangkok, Paris, Singapore, Athens..?????
Um, last week? I won't comment on the "best place to party Chicago" comment, because it's so asinine it stands on its own merits.

Man, the dumbest thing is that you live in NJ (above a bouffant hairdresser :) ) and the only time you goto NYC is to L'Amour's in Brooklyn - even then you stay inside the club!....You NEVER EVER venture into NYC. You fucking make me laugh! :tickled:
First of all, I live 5 miles from NYC. Secondly, I've been fucking unemployed for nearly 3 fucking months, so sure, I wasn't there all that much of late, but when all is NORMAL, aside from concerts, nights out, Yankees games and the like, I go into NYC just plenty, though why I'm actually bothering to explain this on a fucking internet BB is beyond me.

Fifth law of GUGSWAY: Maintain the pretence of talking shite. :worship:
I think I'll be taking my leave of this place for a bit, it's honestly annoying me. See ya.
markgugs said:
though why I'm actually bothering to explain this on a fucking internet BB is beyond me.
Because, you use this fucking internet BB to highlight your own views so that is why you are now forced into explaining yourself. That is my jedi mind trick I played on you, my little padwan.

markgugs said:
I think I'll be taking my leave of this place for a bit, it's honestly annoying me. See ya.
Eh? Why did you bother coming back then? :tickled:
JK - sorted out my debts, your money will arrive tonight or tomorrow! I'll give you a heads up when it's done.