je-1000 question

bobvex said:
pick guard is what it's called in America, yeah i hate those too, ugly looking.

and thilo, theres always a bunch of Intellifex's on ebay, esp the one your looking for (the original "Blackface" model, i have the LTD, which i think is better, but its a good unit. And i thought alexi used Marshall 300 Watt 1960 4X12's as cabinets.
Pick guard, I heard that before, thanks :)

I alway got overbit on ebay. One time another guy bet the same as me, but before me. Another time I was overbit with 1 fucking cent. Bad luck, but I think I will get one next time.
First I wanne ckeck the blackface. But I heard only good thing bout the LTD.
The LTD has a couple of thing that the Black face doesn't have, like ping pong delay, in which it bounces the signal to the left and right side alernately, its really neat. im still reading the manual on it, its easy to use, but its has a BIG manual. there are a lot of subsections too.

and thilo, pm me your aim/yahoo/icq/msn name if you dont mind.