

Smoked that bitch
Oct 31, 2003
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Well ... i was wondering ... when or if you have a girlfriend/boyfriend ... and they like some1 else or know that another person likes your girlfriend/boyfriend ... does anyone here ever just get the urge to kill the competition? Or is that just me? I think i have some rage problem ... because its not just with girls ...
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If someone else likes the person Im dating or intersted in, i get jealous as hell. Period. Wouldnt go as far as to have homicidal tendencies but I would obsess about the person. And if the person Im dating would be flirting with her, in that case, I'd get angry at him too...

As for the person Im dating liking someone else, then whats the point of him dating me? I have to be the one and only.

But i guess I am a jealous person, thats something im trying to change. Jealousy is a horrible thing that hurts the jealous person most of all.
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I understand your point of view. If I had a girlfriend and she really liked some other dude, I would be pissed at the guy and want to kick his ass, though I probably wouldn't because of all the problems kicking his ass could potentially cause.
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I think it's a natural reaction, except for the killing, and the beating, and the pulling of the glaaaaven.
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I get jealous. I've mellowed with age, though. I used to fly off the handle big time if I suspected there were ulterior motives.

Example: I was living in Idaho for a while. A girl I was dating came up to me and told me she was going to fuck one of my best friends that night and "not to be too mad". I talked with my friend and he said he was going to fuck her. Well, chicks shouldn't come between good friends so I went home (she was living with me) and threw ALL of her shit out into about 10 inches of snow. The next morning I was awakened by her outside crying and digging her stuff out of the snow. Slut.
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Only if any blatant passes are made, then he is usually intimidated by my sheer size when I tell him she's taken, so I never have to get more than irritated.