Jeff Loomis - the recording chronicles (2011)

I have a ton of pictures of everything so far, just haven't had time to sort and upload yet. Rhythms are all done now, we tracked through Jeff's AxeFX and dialed in a really killer tone with it (which is saying a lot coming from me, a general hater of amp sims), and captured DIs as well. The bass is also done; Ibanez SR500, which sounded quite amazing...the second time I've tracked a bass with Bartolini pickups, and both times I have absolutely loved the sound. Fresh strings every two songs. Signal chain for bass was Chameleon Labs 7602 > Distressor > Crane Song HEDD > Digi002. On the Distressor, I was actually hitting about 15 dB of gain reduction on the loudest parts, but averaging more like 8 dB. Sounded way too good for me to be worried about picking up too much compression on the way in. Also a chain of of plug-ins to monitor through...something like CLA-3A, Sansamp PSA-1, Ampeg SVX (only for a cabinet sound, the amp stage was bypassed), some EQ, and a bit more CLA-3A again. I might not even reamp it sounds so good, but I'll make that decision later!
OK, so maybe I'm just being an idiot here or I might just have never heard of this before but are you using the NS10 as a kick mic? I know electronically it's possible but would that really sound good?
OK, so maybe I'm just being an idiot here or I might just have never heard of this before but are you using the NS10 as a kick mic? I know electronically it's possible but would that really sound good?

This is basically the idea of what you are doing with this setup:

It's meant to be blended with a mic that picks up the attack of the drum. Gives more low end, in a nutshell.
The Blue Steels worked out great, Shane has a really good touch to his playing, soft and smooth while still plucking quite hard. About 90% of the time he used his fingers, and then there were a few spots throughout that just sounded cool with a pick.

Anyway, my camera isn't with me at the moment and I haven't yet transferred anything off the memory card, but here are a few from pics Jeff's camera. If you guys think the color editing is lame I won't do it next time, but I thought it made them a little bit more exciting:








Notice that we're using an Engl cab as a TV stand, haha...

Heading off to start working on cleans today, I'll report back once we've found a cool tone.
Looking great!!!

Btw, ditch the 002 asap, it is really crappy. The 003 is way better although there are better options out htere of course.

All the conversion for these sessions is being handled by the Crane Song HEDD; the Digi002 is literally just receiving S/PDIF from the HEDD and passing it through to the Mac Pro via Firewire.

My next big purchase is going to be a Lynx Aurora 16, then I can sell off the Digi.
Clippage... Pretty rough ass everything, a bit of processing and quick level setting, just so you guys can get a little taste of what the production sounds like so far.

If someone else with a server wants to put it on their space and post a link, that would be very cool, so my Dropbox doesn't get decimated by Loomis fans flocking to it from all corners of the internet!

I'll post something heavy next time :heh: