Jeff Loomis - the recording chronicles (2011)

Clippage... Pretty rough ass everything, a bit of processing and quick level setting, just so you guys can get a little taste of what the production sounds like so far.

If someone else with a server wants to put it on their space and post a link, that would be very cool, so my Dropbox doesn't get decimated by Loomis fans flocking to it from all corners of the internet!

I'll post something heavy next time :heh:

Sounds awesome man. Drums are crisp, and guitars sound smooth. Love the chords in that section.
hey aaron, did you use Joemeek preamp for anything?
thanks for sharing pics and info!

Yeah the Joemeek so far was used for the rhythm DIs and also the clean guitars. Anyone have any guesses on where the clean tone is coming from? :)

drums in the studio and guitars in the ???? Is this Loomis's house where you are recording everything else after drums?

How do you like the Opals?

Yeah this is Loomis' house, but all the gear you see there is mine, packed up and brought over from my house.

I love the Opals... Worth every penny. They're amazingly rich and full all across the spectrum (you would swear there's a sub in the room sometimes), but thoroughly detailed enough to make all the most difficult mix decisions.
Yeah this is Loomis' house, but all the gear you see there is mine, packed up and brought over from my house.

Hey Aaron, thanks for sharing pics and info.

What is the name on that DAW controller you are using and is it something you would recommend to control Pro Tools?
Aaron, the last pic makes me wonder : how many guitars do Jeff have ? :D I guess they're not all behind him ?