Jenna's vacation......

You should ask DuaneInIraq or my bro about heat! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I could not handle what they have to, I would seriously die!!! Hahaha! :lol:

Woot! Be seeing you in a few days :) My flight heads out Friday morning heh.

See you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Hey Jenna, while you're in L.A., I recommend you try Jamba Juice and Pinkberry. The folks out there have probably introduced you to In-N-Out Burger by now.

Not yet, but it's been mentioned...several times!! :lol:
Thought I would post a few pictures so far.

Derek and I at "the table" in Rockin' Crepes, Huntington Beach


Derek, me and Kim


Me at Maiden's hand prints at the Rock Walk in Hollywood. Massive thanks to Jeff for taking the photo and for the awesome tour! :D

12 hours till take off. 14 hours till landing. Cal-e-forn-i-ay here I come! Oh, and Jenna? I'll have a nice ol bottle of Irn Bru for you when we meet up on Monday.
12 hours till take off. 14 hours till landing. Cal-e-forn-i-ay here I come! Oh, and Jenna? I'll have a nice ol bottle of Irn Bru for you when we meet up on Monday.

Can't wait to meet you!!!

And you've got a bottle FOR me?? Don't you mean FROM me cos I have a big bottle here to take for you. Everyone I've shown it to has recoiled in horror at the colour of it. I think they'll all be wanting a taste of it. ;)
Can't wait to meet you!!!

And you've got a bottle FOR me?? Don't you mean FROM me cos I have a big bottle here to take for you. Everyone I've shown it to has recoiled in horror at the colour of it. I think they'll all be wanting a taste of it. ;)

If they are recoiling in horror at the colour they will die when they taste it. ;)

Its not so bad if you like liquid sugar.
I'd rather consume a ton of shortbread than drink Iron bru though
Can't wait to meet you!!!

And you've got a bottle FOR me?? Don't you mean FROM me cos I have a big bottle here to take for you. Everyone I've shown it to has recoiled in horror at the colour of it. I think they'll all be wanting a taste of it. ;)

woot! Well then Jenna, I'll just save your bottle to help OD myself on it heh.
Have a good journey back home, Jenna! It was great meeting you! Sure hope you had a fantastic time while you were out here! You gotta come back again! AND.......don't forget, I must see Loch Ness one of these days!
That's it - it's all over now!! :cry: :(

I'm back home in Scotland now. It was raining when I left LA and brilliant sunshine when I landed in Glasgow - go figure! :lol: Thank you to everyone who helped me out, who took me places, who gave me presents, who bought me things - it was so much appreciated. I'm really going to miss everyone so badly. You all rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But in the words of Arnie...."I'll be back!!" ;) :lol: