New Metal Member
This. End of discussion.
Let's get back to the lolz that her dad brings to the table.
This. End of discussion.
Let's get back to the lolz that her dad brings to the table.
It all leads back to American media. TV, Newspapers, Movies, Music, TEH INTERNETZ. I don't even refer to this kinda stuff as "conspiracies" anymore because its so god damn obvious. And yeh, it does go on in the UK and all around the world but the U.S seems worse for this kind of shit.
This kid is the prime example of a mind controlled drone. Not Hi-Jacking this with all my hippie bullshit tho
Utter pish? Expand...
As much as I hate the liberal media, its not their fault mostly on this one. Fuck this v-ship and parental controls and electronics, all that shit is doing is removing responsibility from the parents so that they don't have to do their job. That's fucking horseshit. Had her parents been watching her the whole time, not only would the situation ever happen, but she wouldn't think its ok to take nude pictures of herself and to talk the way she does. That just shows that her parents haven't been watching her for a very long time.
What do you guy's think? OT in the OT but . . .
Didn't want to start a new thread. Sleep time, teh stoned.
they better stop hating on us or we're gonna have to take back mcdonalds.
I hate this guy infinitely more than Jessi Slaughter.... atleast that dumb slut made me laugh. This guy just dun' goofed.