Jester comes out of rehab finally.

You'd think now that we're having a discussion about facts stemming from someone talking out of his ass, people would take five seconds to verify their facts for the duration of the discussion, but no, they just keep on making shit up.
Not that I'm particularly surprised.
you honestly have the smallest penis on the internet and that isnt even possible so go fuck yourself you toothless gumfuck
There are only two posts on this page I can read.
Don't complain about derailing itf.
Although if the post trickyskittles quoted is representative of all 5 then this page is a strong example of why I should be a mod.
It is totally HotKnifingHash's fault for giving a shit (lol). We should put the blame squarely on him. But he is right; He's got enough good looks to not need to give a shit.

Thus far:

Not caring = Good looks
Caring = Ugly pimple face bitch

Do you deny my logic here?

But it would be sweet if that faggot pulled his head out of his ass and came out of rehab. We need an album to save In Flames!