Job for a Cowboy

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Anyway, I wouldn't exactly call JFAC completely unlistenable. Nevermind that they might have once been complete fashion-core fags, or that they were probably signed to Metal Blade based on their ability to pull in that crowd (like several other of the label's recent signings). From the songs I've heard, if for whatever reason Genesis can't be considered straight death metal, then it's still pretty damn close. I love brutal death metal, and I don't exactly have a reason to hate this. It's just fairly bland. Doesn't have enough punch to it. If these guys had never been so strongly affiliated with a trendy metalcore scene and lacked the support of a strong following and a big label, this would just be another middle-of-the-road, vanilla death metal record by a faceless band.

Also, their name is retarded.

Perfect analysis.
Doom is pretty fucking good, i admit i like it. But Genesis they tried to be heavier by dropping to A# and all the songs are pretty boring.
Doom is pretty fucking good, i admit i like it. But Genesis they tried to be heavier by dropping to A# and all the songs are pretty boring.

I'm a tard when it comes to music, what do Death Metal bands use for their tone? And which is lower?

They need to fix their horrible name. Oh... fixing the music also would be a good idea too.

I'm a tard when it comes to music, what do Death Metal bands use for their tone? And which is lower?


C is higher, thats what a lot of metal core bands like Unearth, As I Lay Dying, etc use. A# is lower which a lotta death metal bands use, but Job For A Cowboys music dosent fit that tuning to me, its still alright but when they were C they sounded much better. Plus now they play all of theyre songs A# when playing live, which makes the DOOM songs sound like shit.
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