joey sturgis pod guitars TACT

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Haha joey is probably laughing his ass off right now

most likely

i don't really get the worship of his POD tones...i've seen him dial his shit in before, and it's not as though he has some special fucking fairy dust that he sprinkles on the track to make it all joeyriffic...dude plugs in a guitar, and turns some knobs until he goes "that's good!"
Dude i wouldn't be worrying about what Joey needs to do. He is quite successful . What do you do again?
I'm sorry, but this just isn't true. As much as I enjoy Joey's work, most of it sounds really similar and the guitars are never that great IMHO. You're trying to copy a digital emulation... A copy of a copy. Just get a real amp and cab, and spend some time learning how to mic it up. That's what Joey should really be doing, too.
Dude i wouldn't be worrying about what Joey needs to do. He is quite successful . What do you do again?

I'm in college - I don't have to be doing jack shit.

What I'm saying is that Joey has already pigeonholed himself with a certain sound, and I can only imagine people are going to want something different sooner or later. If he's just using the POD over and over again... whatever. Horses for courses, I guess.

If that really is the epitome of your search for tone, Joey's POD tones, then fuck me, I rest my case.
If that really is the epitome of your search for tone, Joey's POD tones, then fuck me, I rest my case.

true...dude gets good tone and all, but come the fuck on - like i said before, he plugs in, tweaks settings, and hits record. i'm sure there's post-processing that goes on there as well, but it's not like he's pulling some einstein shit over there!
Yeah, the post processing thing is very essential to getting a good sound out of a POD. I've never been able to get a POD to sound good recorded without any extra post processing EQ to get rid of weird frequencies and fizz.
alot of his heavier stuff has a nice texture too it because there are 2 tracks with the screamer and 2 without. and if you listen close there is realy hardly any gain at all and ridiculously tight playing
Joey doesn't do anything magical
I just believe that there is an entirely different mindset you have to have in order to know whether turning this or that knob up or down will make the tone sound good.
and apparently he has that mindset

hehe, i think he doesn´t make magical but...impossible to get that texture (i´m not speaking about tone). i like some tones i get.;) but i think he makes something more.;) my tone sound very..."direct".
I don't get it either, but regardless, I would say Joey has just refined his method. He's obviously taken his time studying editing/production etc. techniques and he has an inherent feel for how riffs and songs should flow. Part of that tone you're hearing is him nazi'ing the performers into doing near perfect takes, after which they are pocketed into what virtually is perfection. He obviously knows what he wants from the guitars in the mix and how to achieve it. It's really a matter of time, experience, trial and error. If you have to ask the question, chances are you aren't ready for the answer, as it goes.
I'm sorry, but this just isn't true. As much as I enjoy Joey's work, most of it sounds really similar and the guitars are never that great IMHO. You're trying to copy a digital emulation... A copy of a copy. Just get a real amp and cab, and spend some time learning how to mic it up. That's what Joey should really be doing, too.

hahahahah -1
Honestly, Joey seems to have a great momentum going with his current clients. If the POD is working for him right now, and he is able to have a successful & profitable business, why the hell not? If he wants to get better with micing amps down the road, then so be it! I doubt he is hurting for business.

My bollocks have never been blown away by the tones I've heard from a pod. Hearing a riff downstroked through 2 tracks of rectifier and 2 of 5150 makes me want to duct tape old people to my ceiling and headbang all day. Enough said really...
Ohhhh your one of those dude's.

No, I just don't see how his album sales make him untouchable as far as criticisms go. I'm one of those dudes who doesn't like to have arbitrary people placed on pedestals before him. If you want to lick Joeys nuts, go for it - he posts on here in the first place because he wants to get better as a producer, not have people praise him all day.
How do tact?


How do Tact?
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