joey sturgis ssd snare?

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New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2009
Really sorry for bringing this up if its already been covered, but ive been searchin the forum for hours and hours trying to find out which snare joey uses for the mojority of his new stuff (FTFD, OCEANO, ASKING ALEX)

Just so i can find the right pack to buy for my steven slate drums.
Got a nice hardcorey band which would really suit this style of snare.

again really sorry for bringing this up again, i know how much it bugs everyone.
sharptooth, you wouldnt happen to be sharptooth of sharptooth studios would you?

edit: scratch that, just checked your post history, whatsup josh, its gareth (ex-tortured machine) :p cool to see you here mang
Sup gareth! hows it goin, didnt realise you were on here, you still recording and such?

And thanks for the nato compliment, thats was a long time ago and i wish i could do it again now as i wasnt very happy with the old stuff!

Any one heard the rummer from natos new band with aaron sidwell (steven beale from eastenders).

100% sell out pop haha
True, I probably didn't need to say anything, and I meant no offense to the original poster, although I did make the assumption that due to the nature of his post, he likely assumed that Slate would answer his drum problems right out of the box, which they certainly do not.

I guess I'm just tired of hearing endless streams of people talking about Slate drums. In my experience they're REALLY not that impressive (I bought them), and it continues to baffle me why such a huge amount of "engineers" on here seem to have no desire whatsoever to try to record and process their own samples. Why not do something unique but equally powerful sounding? Why not try to figure out how to actually create the drum sounds that really inspire you? There is absolutely no gratification in buying some samples that everyone else has, and to then act like you've accomplished something admirable by replacing a kit with them is irritating. Obviously with the right ear and talent, Slate drums can be made to sound good in some people's mixes, but that is no excuse for all the others who seemingly want to work on serious projects and further their "career" as an audio engineer but show no motivation to really learn anything.

This is a rehash of a rehash of a rehashed rehashed rehash, so I'm just going to leave it at that.
im gonna have to agree with aaron on this one
you've cranked out more than enough good drum sounds using real drums or samples other than slate before now josh, i dont see why slate would be an improvement.
but to each their own i suppose.

and yeah man, still hard at it :)
I guess I'm just tired of hearing endless streams of people talking about Slate drums. In my experience they're REALLY not that impressive (I bought them), and it continues to baffle me why such a huge amount of "engineers" on here seem to have no desire whatsoever to try to record and process their own samples. Why not do something unique but equally powerful sounding? Why not try to figure out how to actually create the drum sounds that really inspire you? There is absolutely no gratification in buying some samples that everyone else has, and to then act like you've accomplished something admirable by replacing a kit with them is irritating. Obviously with the right ear and talent, Slate drums can be made to sound good in some people's mixes, but that is no excuse for all the others who seemingly want to work on serious projects and further their "career" as an audio engineer but show no motivation to really learn anything.

This is a rehash of a rehash of a rehashed rehashed rehash, so I'm just going to leave it at that.

I also have slate's drums and i hardly never use em. Don like em at all, some of the kicks are ok, but the snares.. :puke: Sounds all to processed for me to be useful, i would have liked them more if they where more raw sounding. btw i have versione 1.5 so maybe they sound better nowdays
Really sorry for bringing this up if its already been covered, but ive been searchin the forum for hours and hours trying to find out which snare joey uses for the mojority of his new stuff (FTFD, OCEANO, ASKING ALEX)

Just so i can find the right pack to buy for my steven slate drums.
Got a nice hardcorey band which would really suit this style of snare.

again really sorry for bringing this up again, i know how much it bugs everyone.

all three bands you listed were three different snares

I'm gonna side with Aaron, as well; we talked about this at the Dev Townsend/Cynic show. I own SSD and I'm really not a fan of them. I'll use one or two snares and like maybe one kick when I just absolutely cannot find anything else, but I will 99% of the time make my own samples from other random samples, and the Slate don't make it in.
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