Joey's style


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Man I've been playing the old stuff non-stop since the announcement, just finished Armed and Dangerous and now Spreading...Joey's high singing is so good, the one thing he has over Bush. Medusa? KILLER! Do you guys think he should wail like this on the new record? I know it's "80's" to sing high but new bands are doing it now, ever heard 3 inches of blood? This is Joey's niche and where he shines, I think he should go back to his roots and do the high stuff, it's becoming relevant again. I don't think it will sound dated with the new music that I've heard. Thoughts?
I think Joey is going to surprise people on this endeavor. He had matured so much vocally on POT and ripped it up at the reunion gigs. While I couldnt get into much of his solo stuff, I feel like he will be much darker, deeper and grittier on the new record........ but I could be wrong...........happens all the time : )
Yeah, who knows... maybe Joey records his first album I like after all these years. Not screaming like a girl would be a good start.
It gets harder and harder for a singer (vocalist) to hit the super hard highs, scream, etc in the rock and metal worlds. I know I struggle a bit in areas I didnt used to.
I think he should go all-out 80s style; why not? It was cool. And with Scott actually being able to write decent lyrics nowadays, it'll be better.

IMO, who the fuck cares if it's "too 80s?" I'd rather hear the band sound 80s than try to be some douchebag 2000s band where all the vocals sound the same. Sorry, but most of the American metal bands out there now have shit for vocals. I can do death metal vocals. I can dig black metal vocals. I can enjoy power metal vocals. But I'm just not into the newer scene of US mainstream metal bands; they aren't really that great. And hey, that's just my opinion. If you like it, more power to ya, have at it and have fun. I'll listen to something else, and we can all dig us some Anthrax.
Always taking a potshot at Bush! Regardless of who you prefer for singing style, Bush OWNS Joey as a prescence on stage. That is something Anthrax will miss. Trust me.

Agreed. And when it comes to Joey's is freestyle...:)

But honestly I'm not worried about his delivery on next shows worry me. He has never convinced me as a live I might have said a couple of times...

Agreed. And when it comes to Joey's is freestyle...:)

But honestly I'm not worried about his delivery on next shows worry me. He has never convinced me as a live I might have said a couple of times...

Exactly. Joey comes across on the studio albums pretty fair. Never seen live footage where he delivers. I doubt if this will change.
Its no secret that im a big Bush fan so maybe i'm a bit biased but I saw Anthrax twice in Glasgow on the reunion tour and Joey was the weak link within the band. His voice was weak, and his stage presence seemed very forced/fake, it basically looked like he was going through the motions (badly). Joey seems like a great guy but his voice suits a more classic rock stytle rather than metal.
Did Bush ever wear the Native American headdress? Case closed. lol Joey plans to wear the headdress during the Big 4 dates. :headbang:

Wow... so for you, stage presence equals wearing costumes? Like, uhm, Kiss, Slipknot, Lordi or Marilyn Manson?
You just named 4 very succesful artists ;-) (ok, maybe 3)

Well, that's right. But after all, successful isn't neccessary good.

What did Bush do that sets him apart from every other frontman who gets the crowd to yell and say "Yeah" to obvious cues? NOTHING. I like Bush, but let's not lose our heads here. Showmanship involves props and funny moves, like it or not.

Actually, I can't really express what sets him apart. Something a Bruce Dickinson, or a Dio, or even Lemmy Kilmister does for me. I guess it's the feeling, that the frontman has a hell lot of fun on stage, which I just can't see when watching Joey.
Well, that's right. But after all, successful isn't neccessary good.

Define "good"? If you like it or not, successful = many people like it = they do something right. Thats what music / art in general is all about: Touching peoples feelings in one way or the other.

(for the record: I like three of these bands, and Slipknot is not one of them ^^)

Actually, I can't really express what sets him apart. Something a Bruce Dickinson, or a Dio, or even Lemmy Kilmister does for me. I guess it's the feeling, that the frontman has a hell lot of fun on stage, which I just can't see when watching Joey.

Thats exactly the problem i have with Joey. I just can't see anything special in him. I don't dislike his singing, but i don't really care for it either.
Did Bush ever wear the Native American headdress? Case closed. lol Joey plans to wear the headdress during the Big 4 dates. :headbang:

Yeah great. And you laughed about Metallica having giant balloons on stage. Native american headdress isn't very thrash either ;) But he would definitely look very genuine with it on his funny hair :rofl:

Seriously: Not a bad idea for a song called "Indians", but not very imaginative either.
I don't think John ever said, "Are you guys ready to rock?" onstage, Joey has. I'm pulling for Joey big time hell he's the only one I've never met I sure hope I do this tour and get to thank him, anxious to hear him sing Only but apprehensive...
Did Bush ever wear the Native American headdress? Case closed. lol Joey plans to wear the headdress during the Big 4 dates. :headbang:
A fan brought a headdress to one of the shows in Europe in March 2003. I can't remember exactly where but I'm going to guess and say it was either Wolverhampton or Manchester. My recollection is that Bush did wear it for at least part of "Indians".
Did Bush ever wear the Native American headdress? Case closed. lol Joey plans to wear the headdress during the Big 4 dates. :headbang:

John was too smart for something so CHEEEZY! Indeed, when Joey breaks it out, I can just imagine the audience's reaction: "WTF! I thought this was an Anthrax show, not the Village People!"