Ah funny I caught Thrax last year in Adelaide with Bush talking it up pretty big with the crowd and I was very impressed with his interaction with us in the pit.

Then funnily enough I get the MMD DVD and word for word its John saying those exact same things he said to us :)

I guess you can only be original onstage for so much.

I can just hear Joey going `ALRIGHT ... THIS ONE"S Called ... '

I'm not talking shit about joey except that joey sucks. and by sucks i mean compared to bush. he will sound good with anthrax just because its in the nature of the band to kick ass despite joey. they did back in the day and they will now. joey put his own thing on the songs and he was ok but now he's crap compared to bush and bush belongs in the band. it's not a stretch. bush was meant for thrash. joey was meant for hard rock like maiden. that's the be all end all. on a final note i know bush is not gone and will be back shortly and this tour is just for fun so i take this as a chance to experience the history of anthrax. if bush was gone i'd be pissed but that's not the case so chill. scott and charlie are our friends end of story. if they wanted to lie they've had a thousand chances to do so. and still they stay true so quit flaming and start acting like your testis aren't lodged in your chest. wu tang clan ain't nothin to fuck with. anthrax rocks always will have fun with it or die.
The God of Hellfire said:
I'm not talking shit about joey except that joey sucks. QUOTE]

Uhhhh.... yeah :ill: well done!

It's reassuring to see this didn't turn into another fucking Joey vs Bush thread! BOOOOOOOOORING!

If we are gonna continue comparing and contrasting for the sake of talking, can we do a Spitz VS Caggiano thread..... or wait, even better..... Lilker VS Bello??

I am, of course, kidding :Smug:
Hey JohnnyCzech--

"banter"--cesky asi "zertovani, vtipkovat"
In English, "to speak to or address in a witty and teasing manner"--the stuff rock singers say to the crowd between songs, or to introduce songs, much of it loaded with cliches. What is better? Cliched banter or none at all? Some bands do that. What do y'all think?
You got to talk to the crowd and have some fun. Otherwise it would be just like listening to the cd. I saw Motorhead a couple weeks ago and I think Lemmy's banter is the best, close to the Air Raid Siren. The fire alarm went off at the venue and kept going for like 4 or 5 songs, and Lemmy was having fun with it saying shit like 'Answer the fuking phone!', or "Maybe it's Avon calling' great performer.
Has anyone ever noticed how in most thrax pics, Joey's usually looking off camera like he's just spotted the ice cream man or something? He's always got that "I'm purposely not looking at the camera" look. Just look at the opening page of this site, or the beginning of the "Got The Time" video. What's he looking for? LOL
Ramones don't need no stinkin Banter... Take in CJ! 1,2,3,4, that's the Banter that I like!
Can't wait to hear "the Ballad of the Ramones" 1,2,3,4 Your Dead! :) :(
Stormwatch said:
Ian Anderson still introduces songs like "Jack In The Green" with the exact same story every time they play it - nearly 30 years after it first came out!
man what happened to his voice? i can't stand the way he sings now. I love tull but only like the first half. and it's mostly for Ian's voice. it's like he got higher and more nasaly. i dunno. his vocals on "this was" are my favorite.
maybe they do something in the production with his voice now?
Ross___ said:
Similar to "It's a fucking Madhouse in here tonight..."

Every time. I'm sure there are more. I'll bet Wu could reel them off....

Yer, but let's face it, xxxxx amount of tours and shows later, it would be tough to come up with something original to say every night. Anyway, who really cares ?????