John Bush Is Lame And Greedy

Hey, everyone! I think megacock-grabber's right! We should sell all our Anthrax CDs and Merchandise on e-bay and boycott, because John Bush said, "Stealing is stealing"! Fuck that rich a$$hole!!!

megarock- PLEASE start a MEGAROCK MESSAGEBOARD. Then we can all go there and learn how to suck megacock! And we can learn how to find a job that pays up to $10/hour, and maybe you could put a link to this messageboard where we can all post "ANTHRAX SUCKS!" as often as possible, because we rule!
Then everyone will know how fucking rad we are, because we could go to the Anthrax messageboard and talk shit!

YESSSSS!!!!! The MEGAROCK fanclub RULES!!! :D
Why the fuck would I want to do that? So all five of Anthrax's fans could line up to suck on my huge fucking cock?

Here's some more of your fucking loser bands wonderful comments:

"Benante says that the blame for the low sales of ANTHRAX latest CD can be attributed to the current trends in American pop music, which he claims place a premium on hit singles and star quality. "I think that people [in America] are just stupid," he said. "They are not like the Europeans. The Europeans fuckin' love it, ya know? They love their music — they're loyal. See, over there, it's about the record, it's about the band. Over here it's about the fucking song. ... It just doesn't make sense to me sometimes. What happened here? It's sad.""

Yep, all you Americans just got called stupid. Why? Because you're not giving these loser fucking assholes your money.

Anthrax - even though your record don't blow as bad as Limp Bizkit your continuing flurry of attacking your own fans prove what ficking losers you all are. Your new album should be renamed 'We've Come For All Your Money Loser Bitches" because the few fans you have left would have to be loser bitches to continue supporting a band like you.

Yes, we're just fucking stupid assholes. Look at the morons who post in this forum and it doesn't take long to see how it happened - because your fans are fucking morons too.

Fuck you in the ass Anthrax. Your days were over long ago and each time you call your fans stupid, you're gonna lose even more of them.

Fuck the rich asshole? Sure, why not - they don't seem to care who they piss off so long as you buy their lame ass cd.

Oh, and now maybe all you genius fuckers can tell me why Bush says it's the downloaders who are causing the low record sales and Benate says it's the current culture of 'pop music'. Excuses, excuses loser bitches! ANTHRAX SUCKS and that is the reason for the record not selling.

Well, that and they have fans like 'Thrax' (see weak ass post above)
megarock said:
Look at the morons who post in this forum ...
YOU? We see you. Just kidding, pal. :D

You rule, megarock! :headbang: Someday I hope I can make $10 an hour and spend my free time on the message board of a band that I hate, when I could be doing something constructive, like looking for a real job.

Talk to ya real soon (I hope)!
Don't be a stranger!:wave:
I love anthrax and think there bush records are better over all.But I have been a fan since 89 and I will tell you this Iam 26 know and was 11 then.
Back then they were younger and had way better promotion there videos were on Headbangers Ball all the time and they were on quite often.
Sometimes they were even on dail Mtv.They also toured with Ozzy,were on Clash of the titains,and were on yo Mtv raps with bring the noise,Sound of white noise did good cause Mtv played only during the day sometimes and it was all over headbangers ball and Elektra promoted the shit out of it,
Also thrash and metal in general were huge back then anybody into to music then will remember.

That is why they were bigger,you can put the best record of your life out,but if MTv radio or your record company dont play or promote it,know one will know about it or bye it,Also many stores dont even carry anthrax anymore,older people dont always by Cds at record stores,they got to Targets and walmarts and so on.when I was younger it was ok to like older artist cause they were promoted by mtv and radio.
Know you have to have sold millions and millions like Metallica,ozzy,Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.
You Basically got to become part of the highschool experince and Anthrax will never be at that level they missed out in the early 90s on gaining that staus when Mtv turned to ALternative.
Metallica made it and Megadeth did pretty well but ANthrax got left out basically,
Its funny cause slayer sells way more records know and plays bigger venues in my are cause they never went for the big money I guess,
I guess I might as well say my piece, since everyone else is, lol :p

I can see both sides of the argument. It's definitely a hot issue. I can see why people would want to download music. It's convenient (i.e, setting up a winamp playlist is a whole lot easier than getting up to switch discs every 10 minutes), it's a nice preview to see whether or not an album is worth spending the $15 on, and it's fun and easy. I can also see the valid gripe bands have with downloading. I agree with the bands on this one. Stealing is stealing. But, at the same time, I have to be honest and admit that I download whole albums.
However, I don't make those downloads a substitute for actually going out and buying the album. If I download an album, it's one I intend to buy. I don't always have the money to go out and buy the albums right away, but when I do get the money, I make sure I buy the albums I've downloaded before buying anything else. I try to work my own sort of compromise. I mean, bands can't really stop people from downloading. They can try... but people will always find a way. And, like I said, WinAmp is a whole lot easier for lazy folks like me who don't want to get up and change a CD every 10 minutes. But... I don't think it's fair to the bands to steal from them. Even doing it the way I do it isn't right, and I know that. I'm not on a rent-to-own plan with albums or anything, lol. But hey... I like to know what I'm buying ahead of time. Just because one or two songs are good, doesn't mean the whole album will be. Anyway... my point is this... even doing it my way isn't right... but it's better than not buying the albums at all, I guess.
you can say he is lame and greedy but i met him on friday the 29 at the trocand i met me back on may 6 i mean he was one of the most kick ass ppl i have ever met. and i also have the shirt he wore on stage that night so say what you want about him about him i mean you can not judge a person from what they say so whatever fuck it and one more thing abut him he was takeing time to sign everything you had and to talk to you too.