John Bush = Layne Stanley on 'Only' !!??


Aug 19, 2002
London, England
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Hi, Im a first time poster, just wanted to say I think John Bush sounds incredibly similar to Layne Stanley in 'Only', ESPECIALLY when the vocals start. I spose the song is fairly AIC anyway but he just sounds sooo similar to me in that particular song I wanted to know if anyone else agrees.

Thats all ive got to say for now anyway!
i don't agree. not at all...

i've always though that THIS IS NOT AN EXIT was written to be like an alice in chains song... sounds just like one.

they did use the same producer as AIC did for the FACELIFT record and did tour with them on the CLASH OF THE TITANS tour.
Dave Jerden was the producer of DIRT album and Sound Of White Noise has got some similiar points to AIC sound. Only has got this "grunge-like" bit, I would agree with This Is Not An Exit as well, maybe Packaged Rebellion. Black Lodge is more of a metal ballad. But not forget this boys and girls, Alice In Chains was always a METAL band, no matter trendies would have said.
Originally posted by johnnieCzech
Dave Jerden was the producer of DIRT album and Sound Of White Noise has got some similiar points to AIC sound. Only has got this "grunge-like" bit, I would agree with This Is Not An Exit as well, maybe Packaged Rebellion. Black Lodge is more of a metal ballad. But not forget this boys and girls, Alice In Chains was always a METAL band, no matter trendies would have said.

like i said, he produced facelift too. and i'm not sure, but i don't even think dirt had come out yet when they were touring together.
Originally posted by Steve M

like i said, he produced facelift too. and i'm not sure, but i don't even think dirt had come out yet when they were touring together.

as far as I know Dirt was released in 1992 but I could be wrong.
People, People,

You have to remember(or if you didn't know) that Layne was most likely influenced by John Bush. There were already like five or six Armored Saint albums by the time Alice in Chains put out "Facelift", their actual first album. But I certainly also point out what everybody else has, the fact that SOWN has the same AIC producer so their are bound to be some similiar sounds. For me(even back when SOWN first came out), I have always thought that the new Anthrax sounds like Anthrax with Amored Saints singer, which ofcourse, is great to me! I remember in one of my first posts I talked about how incredible John Bush really is, and I think it was Brent(can't remember) agreed with me and we then went on to agree that Mr. Bush is quite possibly one of the best voices in metal! Period! John Bush certainly has the best "YEAH" in heavy metal today and if I was starting a all star metal group, he would be at the top of the list for lead vocalist!


I am the biggest Armored Saint freak on this you know my feelings on John Bush........

In case you don't.........THE DUDE FUCKIN RULES!!!
Top five metal vocalists EVER....and my personal favorite. Very few people can inflect as much emotion in their voice and be as heavy as a mother f'er.......matter of fact....I can't think of more than 4 singers that I would group with him at all. Layne Staley had a cool voice with alot of emotion but he didn't touch John "For the Sake of HEAVINESS".

true. john does rule. but i would be interested to hear him in other non metal contexts, like blues or just him with an acoustic guitar. didn't he do an r+b project a few years back?
megajon: i'm in north east london too! hackney to be exact.
not sure about wembley gig. is it gonna be worth it for only 50 odd minutes? i know i'll dig it but i would end up being pissed off hearing thrax for such short period of time. plus i don't like motorhead...
well ive booked for wembley but then ive never seen thrax live b4 and this could b my best chance. my thinking is that seeing as its starting at 6, which is pretty early for a gig at wembley, thrax will have decent set, probably an hour or so.

i can stand motorhead too, it should b a good mosh if nothing else.
yes this will be your best chance, thrax will kick ass in wembley i guarantee!! who knows when or where their next gig will be in this country. hmm, i may have to get along to wembley after all...
ps. i think i heard somewhere that there is another support band - that may mean thrax will have less than an hour??
Originally posted by max
true. john does rule. but i would be interested to hear him in other non metal contexts, like blues or just him with an acoustic guitar. didn't he do an r+b project a few years back?
megajon: i'm in north east london too! hackney to be exact.
not sure about wembley gig. is it gonna be worth it for only 50 odd minutes? i know i'll dig it but i would end up being pissed off hearing thrax for such short period of time. plus i don't like motorhead... should check out Armored Saint's latest release "Nod to the Old School". It has an acoustical version of "Tainted Past" with just John singing with Joey Vera (the bass player in Saint) playing the guitar. GOOD SHIT PEOPLE!!! They also redo "March of the Saint" off of their first major release of the same title. Sounds so damn good.......really makes me wish that Anthrax could redo some of their old songs with John singing so we could hear what they SHOULD have sounded like!