John Bush = new voice of Burger King

Actually John's been doing this for a few years now. He did a voice over for a Hot Wheels commercial a couple years back as well as an ESPN commercial. More power to him. You still gotta audition for these things.
I don't really see anything wrong with it. It's no worse then Scott doing interviews for all of the VH1 "I love the _____" shows. More power to them both!
To all the douches saying this is lame you obviously are set for life I bet or love eating bologny at every meal. Fuck you have to play to get paid. When you get old and you don't want to tour or record like you used to why not do voice overs or other behind the scenes work within whatever form of media, work close to home and near your family.

i was going to lay the smack down but you did it for me. thanks!
the more of a nestegg he makes the more likely he is going to tour or make albums with bands that won't make him much money.
He puts food on his family's table and a roof over their heads. Fair play to the guy, he sings, what, two or three lines and takes the cheque. No harm, no foul, still maximum respect to the guy.