Oh my fucking goat I cant even begin to dissect the innacurate statements in your past few posts. Number 1, 85% of the weapons the Taliban use in training facilites, missions, etc. are left over caches from U.S. shipments in the 80's and seized soviet weapons. Hussein basically gave Bin Laden jack. In fact, Hussein had extremely little contact with Bin Laden in the first place. I dont know what news network you watch that bashes bush, but you should let me know now. Sure, CNN and MSNBC raise objections against him, but at least there not constantly sucking his dick like Fox News. Hell, I dont even like MSNBC or CNN or any major news networks. The only reliable news show left out there is The Weekly World news, sunday on PBS. But Im spinning off on a Tangent now. In conclusion, please read actual information before you make yourself look like a moron.