JSX Amp Head


Apr 23, 2002
Tonight I saw The Haunted and I noticed they changed to Peavey Joe Satriani Signature head from 5150s and 5150 IIs. I was positively surprised because The Haunted was the band who took the least time to get ready and they didn't have any sound problems. The rhythm guitars and leads were crushing, solos were hard to hear, but that probably is not the problem of the amp, but rather mixing or the place I was in(I was in the first row). So what do you guys know about these amps? How do they compare to 5150s? From the live sound I thought they sounded really really good.
The JSX is quite a nice amp, not as aggressive as a 5150 though.

For those of you who are interested, Eddie Van Halen's contract has expired with Peavey, and he has parted company with them.

As Ed owns the 5150 trademark, the beloved 5150 amp is no more.... Production has ceased and Peavey (in the UK at least) have no more stock of Mark 1's....they only have a very few mark 2's left.

All is not lost though, Peavey will be rebadging it and releasing it under a different name, so look out for another 'new' Peavey model in January/February next year.
So quite possibly there will be two newer variations of 5150 around by next year. Because I am pretty sure EVH will take the TM with him to somewhere...
Wow, I am really surprised about the 5150 thing with Peavey. I hope they don't change anything on the new model, other than maybe a decrease in the price(I have two already, but I was hoping to buy a new one in a few months). As far as the JSX is concerned, whenever I've played it, I thought it sounded like a weak version of the 5150. I tried playing other styles(such as Satch for example) through it as well, and still wasn't crazy about it. I didn't know about the Haunted switching over. I'd be curious to find out their settings. Oh yeah, when I saw Exodus with Megadeth a few weeks ago, they were both using JSX's, and got great rhythm sounds, but, like you said, I couldn't hear the solos at all. I wonder if that still has to do with the mixing, or if it's the amp itself.
I don't know man, but if it is the solos it would be ridicilous for the amp really. Hahahah Satriani signature amp with weak solo sounds.
Heheh, yeah. But, in reality, I've never liked Satch's tone anyways. I don't know what he was using on the newest G3 tour, but I thought he sounded like crap. I think it may have been the prototype for the JSX, but I could be mistaken.
All in all I am in love with the amp head's look and the crushing rhythm sounds. For the treble I am yet undecided.
Genius Gone Insane said:
brooks, are you in Down Factor? i've got pure and i like it.
Yup, and if you liked Pure, then your gonna go apeshit over the new material we're finishing up right now, its light years beyond, and I'm excited as fuck.... that's all I can say for now, but stay tuned for some thrashtastic mayhem!

Hey Andy, you do Exodus and Testament, any chance you wanna mix some more bay area thrash? :hotjump: