JSX with tubescreamer?


Sep 27, 2007
Durham, UK
Firstly I want to thank everyone on this forum who gave me so much advice over amps for the last few months, finally I've decided what to get. I am going to get a JSX over the next few days, but should I get a tubescreamer with it or is the distortion on the amp itself good enough for metal? I've heard that its great with the 5150 but I've no idea with the JSX, any help on this one guys?

Firstly I want to thank everyone on this forum who gave me so much advice over amps for the last few months, finally I've decided what to get. I am going to get a JSX over the next few days, but should I get a tubescreamer with it or is the distortion on the amp itself good enough for metal? I've heard that its great with the 5150 but I've no idea with the JSX, any help on this one guys?


I had a TS9 with my JSX and then I sold it. I now regret that decision because it sounded pretty damn sick. If you use it for a slight boost it gives you a really nice "attack" and a little more saturation. I would highly recommend it. If you want to give it a shot and can't test it at a store buy one used to see if you like it.
Haha, you called it Rolve - to Norris, if you use a tube screamer AS IT'S MEANT TO BE USED IN FRONT OF AN AMP, with the drive at almost nothing and the level only to the point that the volume of white noise (with the voume up and the strings muted) is the same when it's on as when it's off, then it helps immensely in taming the low end, allowing you to increase the bass/resonance on the amp (within reason) without worrying about woofiness. I just recorded my JSX, and when I added in my TS7 (Drive 8:30, Tone 10:30, Level 11:30) it helped immensely in this regard!
Oh, and I just realized that you're planning on getting a JSX - honestly man, I'd advise getting a 5150 instead unless you think you're gonna be playing live predominately (and requiring a clean channel). The JSX is the better amp for a live environment to be sure, but recorded, I've tried it many times through many cabs, and the best clip I could get is on my soundclick player on my myspace in my sig (Mesa Stiletto Cab Test), and it's honestly not a sound I like - too smooth and kinda thin sounding (and I tweaked the holy hell out of it before I settled on that recording, cuz I had the cab in another room and the head in with me, so I was tweaking by the sound through my speakers). All the clips on here I've heard of the JSX (DSS3, Bloodjinn) have that same kinda thin/smooth sound, and it's just not a sound I like, so my JSX is now up on my local craigslist for sale.

I plan on replacing it with a Line 6 HD147 (for my live playing) and an Orange Tiny Terror (and eventually a Krank Rev Jr.) for recording, cuz it's not like I'll need a high-powered tube head for the studio!
I like the JSX with and without a boost. Most heads I cant play on without a boost now-a-days, but my with my JSX I could really go either way.
Oh, and I just realized that you're planning on getting a JSX - honestly man, I'd advise getting a 5150 instead unless you think you're gonna be playing live predominately (and requiring a clean channel). The JSX is the better amp for a live environment to be sure, but recorded, I've tried it many times through many cabs, and the best clip I could get is on my soundclick player on my myspace in my sig (Mesa Stiletto Cab Test), and it's honestly not a sound I like - too smooth and kinda thin sounding (and I tweaked the holy hell out of it before I settled on that recording, cuz I had the cab in another room and the head in with me, so I was tweaking by the sound through my speakers). All the clips on here I've heard of the JSX (DSS3, Bloodjinn) have that same kinda thin/smooth sound, and it's just not a sound I like, so my JSX is now up on my local craigslist for sale.

I plan on replacing it with a Line 6 HD147 (for my live playing) and an Orange Tiny Terror (and eventually a Krank Rev Jr.) for recording, cuz it's not like I'll need a high-powered tube head for the studio!

The Ills sounds pretty thick to me. But you're not Andy (not in an offense taking way mind you juss saying) so I guess his mojo doesn't apply.

The sound is kinda metallica and bouncy though not as thick as the fitty. So if you want juice scrap the Jsx.
The ills...? o_O And I LOATHE Metallica's tone bitterly, so thank you for increasing my conviction to sell this thing! :D The relentless search for tone continues...
Hahaha, I won't deny dude, I've got a huge boner for Engl in general (though not for any of their products under $2k unfortunately, except maybe the e530 :mad: ), but that is WAY beyond what I can realistically spend on an amp in the near future - I really love an aggressive crunch in my tone, so I think the Tiny Terror will do nicely, with the Rev. Jr. to fill out the bottom end. I love this new wave of low-powered tube amps, it's a studio guy's dream, especially with amps like the HD147 to cover live duties! (fuuuuccckkk do I want one, I just gotta find a buyer for my JSX...)
I use a tubescreamer with my jsx, just for leads though to add articulation. I can get a real nice chunky low end without it, and when I use it on the crunch channel I get a brilliant singing lead.
Whoa, thats a lot of advice guys, thanks for that. but now I'm undecided on the JSX again. I'm living here in Ireland, so finding a 5150 is less than easy and a friend of mine is thinking of picking one up off someone he knows in the coming weeks. With this in mind, i would have the possiblilty to record both 5150 and the JSX so then I'd have cleans and distortion covered. i would love to find a nice 5150 here in Ireland but I was hoping that the JSX would sound nearly as good. I cant afford the ENGLs so they arent an option really. I heard the clips of the JSX and I must say I quite liked them but I guess I'll take all the advice and consider it again...
Nah, I really gotta say, the JSX can't touch the 5150 IMO - maybe it'd be better with 6L6's, but I highly doubt they'd make a big enough difference to have me to a total 180 on the amp, so I'm ready to move on, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who wanted to do a lot of recording with it.
I hear you man, would you recommend a 6505+ over the JSX. I'll admit, I did like the clips that I heard of the JSX but as you said it took ages to get that tone.
The JSX isn't voiced for metal like the 5150 is. Its a great sounding amp, speshly for leads if you put a TS in front of it. But if you want crusher style rhythms, get the 5150.
You should be able to pick up a 6505 no problem in Ireland. If BFMV can get them in South Wales..............well :loco:
Yeah, metallic is definitely a good way of describing it; very clangy and not to my taste. Was "The Ills" all JSX?