Judas Priest are a Death Metal band

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The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
It started when they released Killing Machine. They brought in brutality and Halfords screams turned into growls. They also brought in more distortion and their music started to feature tremelo strummed powerchords. The song killing Machine and Burnin' Up are good examples of this Death Metal sound.

The Death sound became hidden until Jugulator which was a typical Death album (music/lyrics about death, growls, powerchords) with Thrash elements. It is so brutal and Halfords growls are as scary as German Death growls. Priest then released other similar albums.

Their DM sound once again became hidden with all the problems/changes in the 90's. It has however resurfaced with their new album Angel Of Retribution which is very Death like with saongs such as Demonizer taking on typical Death Metal noms de guerres.

Yes, Judas Priest has a lot in common with Decapitated. ( yes, it's almost the same answer that I gave in SOT )
Judas Priest is NOT death metal. If your looking for reasons why I honestly can't give you any. All I know is when I listen to Cannibal Corpse or Deicide it sounds NOTHING like Judas Priest. Judas Priest I believe is labled as Heavy Metal. Although JP may play their instruments like a death metal band would (I really don't know), their overall sound is so far away from death metal it's laughable.
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