Judas Priest - Painkiller

My favorite would be... uh wait, I don't have a favorite, more like several favorites!

Sad Wings of Destiny, because it put classic heavy metal on the map, how it "should" be done.
Sin After Sin, because of its almost proggy nature, quite ambitious and diversified. Extremely underrated and ahead of its time.
Stained Class, because of the killer songwriting and vocal work. This IS Metal.
Screaming for Vengeance, because Priest showed they could still compete with anybody in the NWOBHM.
Defenders of the Faith, because this one is full of hymns and you gotta love that. I know I do :D
Painkiller, because it screams metaaaaaaal from beginning to end. Although I think it's somewhat a little bit overrated, being their heaviest record it's probably more "appealing" than their previous albums...
Imp! said:
Painkiller is what turned me on to Judas Priest, had it not been for a friend of mine lending me a greatest hits with Metal Meltdown I would never have become a fan. The stuff on the radio like You Got Another Thing Coming, or Breaking the Law never did it for me, thankfully I realized there was something deeper after hearing Metal Meltdown. Oh, BTW, Defenders is an f-ing strong album, I don't think it has too much of an '80s sound to it, how can a song like "The Sentinel" be given that label? Love Bites, Eat Me Alive, Jawbreaker (and how did Rob manage to keep up the charade, lol), Some Heads Are Gonna Roll, the whole freakin' disc is a masterpiece! It really is a shame JP couldn't follow up with another disc with Rob... What do you guys think of his solo work? I liked some of Fight, but his "Halford" discs are really heavy and sort of pick up where he left off in JP. Crucible and Resurrection are albums to check out, anyone else have these?

Some Judas Priest songs are like I said quite catchy and radio-friendly. Even more than Black Sabbath or Iron Maiden. Especially the songs on the British Steel album.

I heard his Fight band takes major influence from Pantera. I never heard them myself though.
Probably my favorite Priest albums along with 'Screaming...' and 'Stained Class'.

But as far as the genre of Speed Metal goes, very few can top Painkiller.
Fangface said:
My favorite would be... uh wait, I don't have a favorite, more like several favorites!

Sad Wings of Destiny, because it put classic heavy metal on the map, how it "should" be done.
Sin After Sin, because of its almost proggy nature, quite ambitious and diversified. Extremely underrated and ahead of its time.
Stained Class, because of the killer songwriting and vocal work. This IS Metal.
Screaming for Vengeance, because Priest showed they could still compete with anybody in the NWOBHM.
Defenders of the Faith, because this one is full of hymns and you gotta love that. I know I do :D
Painkiller, because it screams metaaaaaaal from beginning to end. Although I think it's somewhat a little bit overrated, being their heaviest record it's probably more "appealing" than their previous albums...

I wouldn't say Painkiller is over rated, it basically set the bar for speed metal that still hasn't changed.
^You're absolutely right. Is there any band that has capitalized on what Judas Priest did with Painkiller? It's wierd, really there's a bunch of power bands, lots of speed bands, but nothing takes the momentum of Painkiller...