

invariably off-topic
Feb 19, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
I've listened through this cd 7 times or something now in 2 days.
Its truly awesome.
What Anathema cd should i get next?
This is my first post in this forum by the way, hopes its not too idiotic :lol:
alternative 4, then eternity, then a fine day to exit, then the silent enigma. and you MUST buy a4 no matter what.
Judgement is their best so far, IMO. Eternity was a tad askew, but equally moving. A4 definitely should be your next one...but I would say Silent Enigma before Eternity.
Judgement is my second favorite anathema album. A4 comes first...but i think judgement is an easier album to fall in love with. Alternative 4 is a bare nightmare. It's a war with your most inner feelings. You can't come to terms with it. :err: :guh:
Judgement and Eternety are my favorite albums. Most of the songs of A4 seem negative and hopeless, distorting the bare emotional quality separating Anathema from all other bands. At times it borders on self pitying (I've let your tiny minds magnify my agony), but still the honesty is heart breaking (Do you wonder why I prefer to be alone?). And "Regret" is a fantastic song. Yet, I find Eternity and Judgement even more heart breaking, and just as honest, with sorrow and hope (I don't want to feel alone anymore, You cannot hide, I know you tried to feel, the Dream has just begun). It's easy to let go, the hard and beautiful thing is to continue to feel. I'm not just talking lyrics here, I feel it is reflected in the music.
I haven't really made up my mind about AFDTE yet, "Barriers" and "Temporary Peace" are great, but somehow the album as a whole seem a bit distanced and withdrawn. Not sure about it though.
I love the older stuff as well but it doesn't begin to compare with the last 4 masterpieces.
Any fan of Anathemas music should check out Duncan Patterson's new band Antimatter as well.
stefan86 said:
I've listened through this cd 7 times or something now in 2 days.
Its truly awesome.
What Anathema cd should i get next?
This is my first post in this forum by the way, hopes its not too idiotic :lol:

as i can tell from ur avatar u like quite heavy music...

dont listen to these geezers...the album that u need is...



heavy metal.-
Nina said:
I think Judgement is the 'worst' (as far as I can use that word - it's still excellent) album by Anathema...

Nina said:
I think Judgement is the 'worst' (as far as I can use that word - it's still excellent) album by Anathema...
Noooooo its by far their best.

Alternative four has one of their best ever tunes on it though. Fragile dreams got me hooked on the band.