JuJu Bean = Mystique1721

So you're Mystique's sister...?
lol... no, she isn't... not unless she's schitzophrenic... but I think the answer is a lot simpler though, she's just a pathetic 13yr old.
I can clear this up in 2 seconds

Mystiquie: The IP Address is: The host name is: adsl-69-232-42-90.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net.

Ju Ju: The IP Address is: The host name is: adsl-69-232-42-90.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net.

Thank you :) More proof.

now you stole the spotlight from heartless.... Uh OH!
amgz0rz NOOOOO.... :Smug:
┼Victim of the Night┼;5587079 said:
And Heartless knew all that... seen? I think sometimes he's a genius, I envy his quick ability to understand something...
lol, not really, it was REALLY obvious, but thanks! <3
And when Juju arrived, she said: "My brother is on UM, that's why I know some of the peoples here." Now she say that's her sister... wtf... I just can't find the post.
We even don't need Bobvex...

Yes, cuz the thread was deleted, but I was gonna say that too, it's fucking funny and pathetic she can't even keep track of her lies! :lol:

Aw, don't say that. We do need him, just not in this case :lol: Cause this person was a penultimate n00b and couldn't even cover her tracks in a believable fashion. It was QUITE hilarious for me watching her come up with all these bullshit excuses, too bad it's over now.... aw well.

Bye Bye JuJu/Mystique... I wonder what account she'll make now... :lol:

you fuckin retards, she used my computer for the first few posts and then switched to hers.
bobvex, search for the IP address from the post i'm posting now, it'll be the same as the ones you've found. and then find the IP for the posts that JuJu has done on page 4 of this thread. DIFFERENT IPs. she's using her own computer now. and yes, she is a bitch for doing this, but whatever, i'm done with this shit. it's over.
http:// i10.photobucket.com / albums/ a108/ mystique1721 /stuff/audrey.jpg

That was the link for the pic "Ju Ju" posted in the SP thread... :rolleyes: it's called copy image location n00b :lol: Now go die in shame!


God I love being sexy AND smart ;)
i used to be the best pwnerer around here... but it is not the time for me to pass you the pwn torch... i'll have to see more pwnage from you...
i used to be the best pwnerer around here... but it is not the time for me to pass you the pwn torch... i'll have to see more pwnage from you...

I have to say, it was a pretty big/ugly/crazy pwn on my part... but it was only a retarded n00b so, shouldn't count. I'm sure yer pwns are more in quantity and quality so, no need to relinquish yer crown yet :p at least to me anyways :lol:

But thanks :) Now I'm of to watch "The Departed" DVDRIP, perfect quality... god I love piracy :lol:
Ok, whatever... :) go film your cats... :)

(I would just flame you but, there's too much to say and I dont want to waste my time, like I've said before, you don't like me, don't talk to me :p Do it for the sake of everyone else here... :rolleyes:)
Yes, Warheart, I'm Mystique's sister, whether anyone wants to believe it or not.

Fetzer, even if I did say "brother" before it was all apart of the game. And no, they aren't bad lies. I did it so she wouldn't figure it out right away, to state the obvious. :rolleyes:

Bobvex, you lazy mofo, if you go ahead and check the IPs now, they should be different. I sent a message to the REAL moderator to set things straight. He even messaged me in the beginning to make sure we are NOT the same person.

Heartless, trying to be humble and boasting at the same time is the stupidest, shittiest move I've seen in ages, thanks for the laugh. And if you could really "flame" somebody, you would, if you think you can keep threatening a person when there's nothing on them, that's just dumb, and it gets old fast, like this thread you won't let die. Plus, everyone knows that if you tried to go up against Nikotiini you'd lose 'cause people like her so much more.
wtf, this thread is still going? let this thread die
You must visit this site alot...?

Haha, what makes you say that? :p Really, I just come on either in blocks at a time or I just stay on while I'm doing other things.That's why it takes me awhile to respond. Plus my name is always on I think, 'cause I never properly sign off. :)

To all the rest of you:
I'm more than willing to let this thread die. Hell, I even asked the Webmaster dude, Devon or Deron (sorry, I forgot his name :( ), to get rid of it when I was explaining the situation to him. It was a pretty long message tho so I wouldn't be surprised if he skipped thru some of it. hehe :D