JuJu Bean = Mystique1721

^This isn't the 'Own Pictures" thread :p and I'm not proud. But since I did that makes me the official COB-OT detective... sorta like ghost-writer but I'm not a ghost, and I type instead of writing magically in the air.. but my natural skin colour is almost as pale as a ghost, so it evens out. :lol:
No, she didn't seem that way, and I would have NEVER guessed it was her, until she posted the pic, that proved her guilty right there. Why would someone use someone else's photobucket. It doesn't make sense, and you can't do that anyways. therefore it MUST have been her. I had the original link, which has since been deleted, but make no doubt about it, JuJu is Mystique, but it doesn't matter. :p I am certain of it though, too much evidence against her. And her attempts to explain it have been pathetic and just making her look worse. An apology would be in order I believe. But who cares, no more fighting. She got caught, end of story. :lol:

you're a complete moron who has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with his time. get over it. it wasn't me. and that url doesn't even work. AND my photobucket is set to private, so how did you even get access to my photobucket? i dont have a picture of that girl in there. and i told you, go ask the moderators....THERE WILL BE DIFFERENT IP NUMBERS. nobody touches my computer but me. and why the hell should i be embarrased and apologize? i didn't do shit. so just shut the fuck up already. AND THAT IS THE END OF THE STORY
you're a complete moron who has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with his time. get over it. it wasn't me. and that url doesn't even work. AND my photobucket is set to private, so how did you even get access to my photobucket? i dont have a picture of that girl in there. and i told you, go ask the moderators....THERE WILL BE DIFFERENT IP NUMBERS. nobody touches my computer but me. and why the hell should i be embarrased and apologize? i didn't do shit. so just shut the fuck up already. AND THAT IS THE END OF THE STORY

No, see, the link DID work, I have witnesses... and therefore you are lying already. Furthermore, as I've said already, it's called COPY IMAGE LOCATION... when you right click and image on firefox, you can see the url of where that image is hosted. And that image JuJu posted was on YOUR photobucket account. And that can only mean ONE thing. Different IP's could mean you have 2 comps, a desktop and a laptop, whatever. The Mods are busy, and not gonna trifle in yer petty pathetic bullshit. Call me all the name you want, it's not gonna change the fact you got caught. But whatever, jsut drop it, everyone here knows it was you, and frankly we could give a shit less. We didn't care before we knew who JuJu really was, and we certainly don't care now. Yer lame excuses aren't fooling anyone with half a brain, so please, stfu n00b. You failed at pretending to be someone else, so apologize, or act like it didn't happen, either way you suck and shut up... kthx


Please, just leave me alone seriously... what is your problem? I have no desire to argue with anyone, especially with you over this blatant moron. :erk:
I'm not arguing...

I'm not intentionally trying to piss you off either... i just agreed with her is all.
Ok, well if that's so then in the interest of you and I getting along.. or at least co-existing.. let's just in the future keep shit to ourselves, what you say doesn't bother me anyways :lol:, I'm just saying in general, there's lotsa stuff I could say, but I don't want to be a dick so I don't... repay me the same kindess with a little effort, thanks. :)
Why are you so proud for "busting" her. Who the fuck cares?

any who this is me


hot picture
I know... it's crazy.. but she is a terrible liar so her stupidity perpetuated it... you can clearly see the truth, right? I know for a FACT Mystique is JuJu, no doubt in my mind... it's just that some people don't see it, and it makes me feel like they're taking crazypills.. :lol:
Right, let me set the record straight, once and for all, especially before my sister rips my head off for it. Yes, that’s right, I said sister and I know right now you’re probably thinking something along the lines of “bullshit!” but sadly enough it’s not. I’ve seen my sister on here before and realized how much she liked it. So yesterday night out of sheer boredom and bitchiness I decided to have some fun and it was, even after Heartless caught my mistake of using her photobucket. Until I saw how pissed she got, and then I knew I was fucked and tried to change it. Believe me or not it’s the truth, I’m just trying to clean up the confusion, not cause more drama, so Heartless do what pleases you, I couldn’t give two shits either way, and neither could she, because she has already put you on her ignored list.

Now I know I don’t know much about you, Heartless, but I have to say out of sheer bluntness- you’re a hypocrite. I won’t apologize for it either, because it is a plain and simple truth. Here’s the evidence, since you love “proof” oh so much:
Sucking up isn't gonna change anything. I caught you so bad, and no amount of ass-kissing will change that.
but then-
Dude, I know yer trying to be the loveable, open-minded Kev that we all love, but even you must see beyond a shadow of a doubt it IS her.

Need more? Guess I'll give it to you, just in case it doesn't penetrate.

If someone can't see it's her it doesn't matter to me, either way argument ends now, hopefully.
yet after she asks to stop all the drama...
No, we can't till you apologize... seriously

I think that should suffice. So Mr. "Official COB Detective" I believe it is you who owes anybody an apology, but don't waste your breath because she wouldn't even see it anyway. So thank her for saving you from embarrasment now the tables have turned.
To Soy- Nice "hunt the grammar errors" game or w/e it was you called it. I'm a pretty precise person myself (naturally, that is), so that's probably why I over did it with the mistakes, to make it even more of a joke. The thread was not meant to be taken seriously.
FYI the picture was not "googled" it was myspaced. haha
In case you were curious as to where my sis went, because you might still suspect we're one in the same, she's off to stake out the mall for a hideout to buy the new PSP3 or w/e it is that comes out tomorrow. The dork. I can't wait to play it though! :lol:
Sucks the stupid quotes thing didn't turn out right, but you guys are smart enough to get the jist of it, I hope. -Fixed it! Haha, told you I was a tad bit of a perfectionist. =D
wtf. after reading 4 pages of this I still don't understand what's going on/happened

Can someone please explain it, cause it seems pretty serious. Or maybe it's not but 4 pages of this arguing is pretty strange
I'll break it down for you, babe.
1.) I started a thread. One that offended when it was meant for fun. (Which eventually got deleted anyway.)
2.) Posted a picture using my sis' photobucket. Heartless trashed her for it.
3.) She got accused and treated like shit.
4.)Spun out of control, I confessed. People laughed.
Does that help?
I'll break it down for you, babe.
1.) I started a thread. One that offended when it was meant for fun. (Which eventually got deleted anyway.)
2.) Posted a picture using my sis' photobucket. Heartless trashed her for it.
3.) She got accused and treated like shit.
4.)Spun out of control, I confessed. People laughed.
Does that help?

Yeah, thanks. bad luck I guess
Yeah, thanks. bad luck I guess

You're welcome. Nah, just ignorant minds that's all. Just not open to the possibilities. Letting other things cloud their vision, etc. etc.
If there are those who believe and aren't saying it, that's just as bad. I'm only trying to fix this for my sister. I'm new to this site and so don't really care all that much about it. Just honesty, so I hope no one takes it offensively.
I can clear this up in 2 seconds

Mystiquie: The IP Address is: The host name is: adsl-69-232-42-90.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net.

Ju Ju: The IP Address is: The host name is: adsl-69-232-42-90.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net.
