Just an idea I was throwing around

deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
Wouldn't it be cool to have a metal themed restaurant? I was sitting at outback today and thought how fucking cool it would be. Real metal, not "hard rock cafe" shit.

Fucking have metal playing and have everything black. Tables, walls, posters on the wall. have the maitredee in corpse paint and have the waiters in in their favorite shirt.

For the menu have like band themed meals. Like satyricon steak (bleeding raw) or like an orphaned land kids meal. And have real mead. Only foreign beers like stella, ringes, or spaten.

I know you will all bash me for this, but this would be a cash cow out here.
i talked about this once with someone i think, the steaks would have different ammounts cooked such as the most cooked = rob halford, cheeseburger would have yngwie malmsteen in its name. i forget most of it but yeah something like that. when we came up with it i remember it made a lot more sense than it does to me now.
i talked about this once with someone i think, the steaks would have different ammounts cooked such as the most cooked = rob halford, cheeseburger would have yngwie malmsteen in its name. i forget most of it but yeah something like that. when we came up with it i remember it made a lot more sense than it does to me now.

My place would have the rob halford footlong hotdog combo. And yngwies cheeseburger would be unleash the fatty. It comes with a glass of spillled water, and scalloped potatoes.

messiah would get his own submarine sandwich, being he's the size of one.
Stupid idea.

Stupidest idea I've heard today.

It's even stupider than my self-contained-uberawesome-heavy-metalling-apparatus*

*SCUHMA: Roland Microcube strapped onto my back while I walk down the street playing riffs on my Charvel.
Tom Smykowski: It was a "Jump to Conclusions" mat. You see, it would be this mat that you would put on the floor... and would have different CONCLUSIONS written on it that you could JUMP TO.

Michael Bolton: That's the worst idea I've ever heard in my life, Tom.

Samir: Yes, this is horrible, this idea.
I'll have to look at the Halford Forum again, but I believe there is a HALFORD themed restaurant somewhere in Europe.

I'd like the power metal combo with extra cheese ( we call that the Blind Guardian )