Just another Periphery "Icarus Lives!" cover...


Dec 18, 2006
Hi guys, i've been experimenting, and want to know which of these sound better:

for both of them i got the vocal track from the originall song and then mixed with the drums of this video:

Also used my *Drum Roll* Vintage Telecaster Model with Wilkinson pickups on both.

Differences are that in one I used my Boss ME-50's Distortion, and in the Other I used TSE808-->Poulin Le456-->LeCab with catharis awesome2 and awesome1 impulses.

also made a bit EQ on both.

Tell me what do you think please...
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The playing fine but the tones are a little... raw.

The ME-50 clip has a some wild beasts running around in the low sections. Especially when you palm mute in the intro.

The LE clip doesn't suffer from that as bad but its very bassy and could use a bit of presence.

Overall Id say the LE version sound better, and it definitely will if you change up the EQ curve a bit. :)

Also who did the vocals? They sound pretty nice.
The vocals are from the original track, they have some sort of DJ contest out and they disponibilized the vocal track.
otherwise, for a vintage telecaster and a ME-50 it's pretty good! though it has a bit too much saturation i think...