just bought a new computer


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
time to upgrade, and either my CPU or motherboard is damaged so i'm having bizarre freezing problems, so new system!

Barebones Kit With - AMD Athlon 64 3200+ CPU - 939 Pin
DFI NF4 Infinity (Full Feature PCI Express Power Board)
1GB - Compatibility & Performance 100% Guaranteed
Okia 450 Watt Power Supply (P4 & AMD Single Core Certified)
InWin J523T- Heavy Duty - Tool Free - Black
1 Year Warranty
Standard Free Ground Shipping (Arrives 5 To 7 Business Days)

Sub-Total: $454.30

also this separately:

EVGA GeForce 6800XT 256MB HDTV/DVI PCI-Express Video Card


i'll cannibalize my old pc for the rest of the parts. i bought new RAM because i've had tons of headaches dealing with RAM compatibility with new motherboards in the past, but there's a decent chance my 1gig of existing ram will work with this new machine, which will give me (a totally unnecessary) 2 gigs of RAM! well, it'll help when Vista comes out.
me too!

One of the many tradeskills in World of Warcraft, engineering, allows the player to create such playful machines as the Tranquil Mechanical Yeti, which is an adorable miniature abominable snowman that follows players wherever they go.
how hard is it to put together your own computer, like what sites did you get this all from?? I'm thinking of putting together one with my graduation money in about a month or so

it's pretty easy if you don't build it entirely from scratch. you CAN scour pricewatch.com for the very best prices on each individual component--video card, case, power source, fans, whatever--but if you haven't done it before, it can be hard to put it all together, and most importantly it's hard not to accidentally buy incompatible parts.

what I generally do is search for "barebones" kits online (pricewatch) or at computer shows. you can select your processor, motherboard, video card, and any other pieces and they'll give it to you mostly put together. you can install things like RAM, hard drives and optical drives yourself--it's very easy, and might take you 30-60 min of googling to learn all about master/slave configurations, hooking up the power source, etc. you can then steal winxp from bittorrent and any other software you need and you end up with a great computer at like 1/2 or 1/3 the price if you had Dell build you one (and the knowledge/ability to swap parts in and out and upgrade). I'm not very knowledgeable about computer stuff at all and it's worked out for me so far.
Ahahaha goatschool. Sucked in.

Yeah engineering was my first love. But I've now switched mains, and my new one is an alchemist / enchanter. (Started out tailoring but since tailoring is, y'know, worthless I dropped it). I have a rogue who is an herbalist / miner to gather mats for the priest...

I chose engineering cause it was goofy and fun, I've never gotten all that much utility out of it, aside from the Gadgetzan transporter thing, and a couple other random situational things, like the flame reflector, seaforium charges, etc.