Just Bought "Epic" Today ...


Insatiable Madman
Aug 2, 2004
I happen to work at a record store here, FYE being the name, and I have desperatley been pushing my store manager to request for more of the obscure metal bands out there for the store to receive. Hell if no one buys them I will right? Well my requests were answered almost immediately and I have seen a steady increase of great metal bands that nobody knows about being delivered here. I had long been awaiting for Borknagar's latest, seeing that Europe got it sooner than we did ( fortunate assholes ;) ) and remembering how much I enjoyed Empiricism.

Well, a few evenings ago at work while I was in the back enjoying my break, thumbing through the pages of the latest Guitar World, upon the table before me a familiar package caught the corner of my eyes. There it was ... Epic. The special edition at that. Excitement occurred. Though afterward I realized I had to wait until Aug. 10, it was the seventh. Three days was long enough. But, I finally have it.

I've given the disc a few spins ... and what can I say? Excellent opus. I had already listened to "Future Reminisence" quite a few times and enjoyed it thoroughly. I can say the same for the rest of the album as well. So far I must admit that it surpasses their previous two observations which is quite a feat if you ask me. Mr. V has further established himself as one of my favorite vocalists out there. He exhibits one of his greatest vocal performances to date on this solid album. His grim vocals are clear, aggressive and well ... grim. His clean vocals as usual are top notch echoing with clarity and immense range filled with emotion (though the lyrics are not emotional in any sense).
The drumming as usual is impressive. I love Mickelson's work behind the kit, he's quite the drummer and a standout. I also enjoyed the additonal work he did on the bass. Job well done, Asgeir. If Mr. V leaves I'll expect to see you cover the drums, bass, and the vocals as well next time. :D

The songwriting displays loads of talent. Oystein should be a great inspiration to any up and coming musician. The man is a genius.
The additional use of the flute is another standout, seeing that I love the flute. And adds a great mood to the album, at times very folkish. I fancy while riding in the car and listening to this band, that I catch a faint caress from the winds of Norway.
"The Weight of Wind" could easily be considered the band's best instrumental. Nedland's talent on the keyboards shines through on every album, especially here. I love his work with this band.
"Circled" is one of the greatest songs they have ever written. Nothing short of amazing.

There isn't really much more that I can say about this chefdoeuvre besides that it is one of the few monumental releases of the year. It will see many spins from now until the end of time for me. And I anxiously await their next masterfully crafted album.
Hats off to all of you guys. Outstanding piece of work you created here. :kickass:
Guitarmaster said:
"The Weight of Wind" could easily be considered the band's best instrumental. Nedland's talent on the keyboards shines through on every album, especially here. I love his work with this band.

I agree that "The Weight of Wind" is the band's best instrumental. Haunting, beautiful stuff. Always love those mid-album instrumentals.

Pretty much agree with all the stuff you said but I really felt like I needed to point out that this song rules. :grin:

Right now I'm continuing to compare this album with Empiricism, which is one of my favorite albums of all time, to see how it stacks up and it's making a pretty good run. Both of these albums are incredible and in my opinion, better than the two albums that came before them. Mr. V adds something great to the band and I couldn't imagine an amazing song like "Traveller" or "Origin" without his vocals that add so much to each song.
Finally, the album was released here in the U.S. yesterday. Of course, the local Tower didn't have it out in the bins when I got there, so I had to look for it on the cart...which keeps getting moved by one of the girls that works there, even though she's seen me looking through it at least twice! :yell:

The band's outdone themselves, again. :D I'll be listening to this disc for a very long time to come.
Awesome, awesome CD. What else could you expect from Borknagar? I don't like it as much as Empirism or Quintessence (my personal favorite), but I'm still pleased. Oystein IS a genious as is Asgier and Vintersong is an awesome vocalist, but I miss hearing Vortex sing in the lead.
I bought it recently, myself. I greatly enjoyed Empiricism. This is a worthy successor. They only step it up with every album. The singing is done very well on Epic, as always the grim vocals crush skulls. There seems to be less keyboard effects on this one, but it almost makes it better.