Just bought myself Empiricism


Sep 3, 2002
Brussels/ Belgium
Good album. My only problem with it are the over-used clean vocals. They are necessary, no doubt, but there are too many times when I think harsher vocals are required. Other than that, great music, and I look forward to listening to more of their material. Any suggestions?
@DoReMI: If we were on Dark Tranquillity forum, I would commit a verbal-assault.

NP: At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
I don't think so. I thought they used clean vocals at all the right times. I'd possibly like more clean vocals in the future, because Vintersorg's clean voice is so excellent. But for Emprisicm, I think it all fits together nicely. Especially on The Genuine Pulse.:)
@Dodens Grav: No.
@ DoReMi:
Because this kind of thread is quite useless. Well.. not useless but these kind of thread are made day after day. So it would more rational that there would be only one thread where to inform "I bought Empricism! I bought Quintessence! I bought a new mother for mi dad"

Got it?
Originally posted by RealHazard
Because this kind of thread is quite useless. Well.. not useless but these kind of thread are made day after day.
If you don't like it, don't read it :p

Just as an aside, why do people feel the need to constantly point out to newbies that the thread they just started has been done before (even if it was not recently)?? It would take just as much effort to actually answer their question (as evidenced by RealHazard, who has now made 2 posts and 6 lines of text in a thread they felt was irrelevant), and even less effort to not view the thread (it was clearly titled, we all knew what the subject was gonna be before seeing it). Surely having a thread that you have no interest in on a forum is not that offensive to you? Just ignore it, it'll get buried soon enough.

I don't say this to be a jerk or anything, it's just something I notice on several forums, and it's kinda starting to get annoying :)
Well, when I was new, first thing was checking out the excisting threads. These days, it's even easier to do. On the bottom on every band forum is a search opportunity, put some keywords in and you will get all threads having that subject...

It is getting annoying if you get all these "Hi I'm new" and "I bought..." threads over and over again... so I ignore most of them lately, but to be honest, seening how easy this board is to use I wonder about some people IQ... !!! Or they just plain lazy to search... and if they are, well, then they should be prepared for some criticism...
Exactly. Suck my cock RH!! You're the only person keeping this thread at the top, and yet it supposedly isn't within your interest to do so. Maybe it's for the sake of post-whoring. In that case, fuck off.

The more I listen to this album, the more track 3 pisses me off. 1+5 are good, and 2 is adequate. The album is still starting to lose its shine, however.
@Morgana: I thought that everyone agrees with me in everything. :p

@DoReMI: I can´t see a reason why you are so hostile. Maybe your father hasn´t given you the thing that you need into your rectum. :D

This kind of thread politic is stolen from DT board and in there it works. And If I complain there, I get a crowd behind my back.
Then our nice moderator merges the useless thread into some bigger one.

EDIT: Writing errors.
You know at first I thought there were too many clean vocals but now I really think they fit the music great. At certain atmopheric parts the clean vocals really make the music and melodic guitar lines stand out even further and when there are cleans and screams going on at the same it is even better. It is my favorite Borknagar record and an amazing progression for them. One of my favorite metal releases of the last couple years.
ah.... wonderful stuff. I mean, vintersorg's clean voice is so much better than vortex. If vortex had sang on empiricism, i would say less clean vox, but with vintersorg, make it all clean and i will be a happy man. Or he could growl the whole time and i would love it. Am i the only one who believes mr. v can do no wrong?