4th time seeing them, as well as black dahlia murder.
GREAT fucking show, just exquisite.
skeletonwitch was badass, never heard 'em before.
black dahlia murder fucking killed, amazing set. they're so much fun live, and ryan knight was fucking flawless. damn his ibby 770 was soooo hawt
and of course....bodom....
wasn't expecting anything amazing but FUCK, it was literally flawless. best show i've seen them put on. just spot on, and the lots and everything was top notch. some memorable songs....
LAKE BODOM!!!! first fucking song i ever heard from them, i fucking dyed when he said "you wanna hear somethin off something wild!!!! yeah i kinda remember that album!!!! this ones called lake bodom....yayoayodsufua!!!!"
children of decadence
follow the reaper
bodom after midnight
bodom beach terror
and then they "end" with downfall but come back for everytime i die and hatecrew death roll

i implore you all to catch them on this tour
and for the guitar fags....
alexi used the blacky and a black one with yellow pinstripes, the thin pinstripes