New Metal Member
Crying right now.
The last time I cried from being sad was in December.
I know I wont be able to cry at the actual funeral though. Funerals just make me totally numb, I don't feel anything. Not happiness, not pain, not grief, not shock, not loss.
Yeah, I accept in my rational mind there is the loss, but my emotional state doesn't register it at all at funerals.
Then the days after the funeral, all the emotions just totally set in. The sense of loss just kicks in and I become an emotional wreck.
Thanks for being so supportive guys, it's stuff like this that makes me love this forum
I always end up going through the same exact thing, funeral's just another day, and the coming week or so afteron is just HELL.
Stay strong, bud. Know that she truly is in a better place

(Bold: That's why I'm sayin!